The observance of the seven-day Kwanzaa cultural celebration culminates today — New Year’s Day 2022.
Day seven (Saturday, January 1) ushers in the celebration of the principle of Imani (faith).
The seven principles of Kwanzaa are unity (Umoja), self-determination (Kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (Ujima), cooperative economics (Ujamaa), purpose (Nia), creativity (Kuumba) and faith (Imani).
Mid-South Kwanzaa, Inc. will host a culminating observance at 3 p.m. today at Dr. Carnita Atwater’s New Chicago Performing Arts Center, 1036 Firestone Ave.
This year’s Kwanzaa celebration by Mid-South Kwanzaa was tweaked, with fewer in-person observances in light of the pandemic.
As a result, the principles of Nia (purpose) and Kuumba (creativity), also will be celebrated during today’s observance at the New Chicago Performing Arts Center.