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The New Tri-State Defender (TSD), now 70 years old, provides an ongoing expression of the desires, needs and achievements of the African-American community from an inside-out perspective.

TSD’s reporters, columnists and photographers tell the community’s story anchored in the basic tenets of good journalism – factual, credible, well-reasoned, meaningful and engaging news and information. Enhanced community coverage now is available at, our online extension.

Please consider helping us continue our service to the community through good journalism by subscribing to The New Tri-State Defender and/or Your support will better position TSD to produce and deliver the fresh, African-American perspective that members of our community find essential in pursuit of meeting their needs and achieving their dreams and goals.

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$35 annually
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The New Tri-State Defender, P.O. Box 1875, Memphis, TN 38101

(For more information, call Latasha Jackson at 901-523-1818; email