Roy Moore’s Wife: Our Attorney is Jewish and We Have Black Friends. We Can’t be Racists!


By Stephen A. Crockett, The Root

Note: This story from The Root has been edited for language. To read the original, click here.

Roy Moore really needs to ask that his wife and his friends to shut up because they aren’t doing him any favors.

Because the world is in shambles, Roy Moore, the disgraced human who allegedly had inappropriate dealings with underage girls is still in the running even after all of this is coming out.


Bring back the days when a scandal could ruin an election, these days scandals are becoming par for the course, in fact it’s starting to become that you ain’t popping unless you have some awful story wafting behind you.

Moore, who’s entire campaign has been shrouded in allegations of sexual misconduct during with underage girls, hasn’t held many rallies but he held one on Monday night, a day before the elections and his homeboy and his wife didn’t do him any favors.

Roy Moore’s friend and fellow Vietnam War vet, Bill Sailing, thinks that a nod to Moore’s character is to tell the story of how that one time they found themselves in a Vietnam brothel full of child prostitutes and Moore, being the standup guy that he is, didn’t sleep with CHILD PROSTITUTES. And the crowd laughed at it because of course they did.

Then the Republican Senate candidate’s wife, Kayla Moore, took to the stage to introduce her husband, took to the time to quell some of the rumors that have been following him since he was born.


“Fake news say he doesn’t like women in leadership positions, yet he supports me as the president of the Foundation for Moral Law, that he started 15 years ago today. So happy birthday, Foundation for Moral Law,” she began, The New York Times reports.

So far, not too bad. But, she continued.

“When he first took office as chief justice many years ago, he brought with him three people from Etowah County; two were black, and one of them is here tonight. We have many friends that are black, and we also fellowship with them in church and in our home.”

And, she added that her family has nothing against Jews.

“I just want to set the record straight,” she said. “One of our attorneys is a Jew. We have very close friends that are Jewish and rabbis, and we also fellowship with them.”

Normally this would be the election moment when the record scratches and the participants stop dancing. This is where the person at the podium realizes that they made a huge gaffe and gracefully bows off stage, but not in Trump’s America. Nope. This is where we are ladies and gents and 53 percent of white women who voted against their self-interest to nominate this guy.

You just can’t make this up. Seriously, America, you are embarrassing yourself.

Read more at The New York Times.

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