Memphis Police Department hosting hiring expo on Saturday, Jan. 27


The Memphis Police Department invites interested individuals to its upcoming hiring expo, a key event for those looking to pursue a career in law enforcement. Set for January 27, 2024, the job fair will take place at 170 N. Main Street, Memphis, TN, 38103, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

This event provides a unique opportunity for potential recruits to engage directly with MPD officers, gain insights into various roles within the department, and understand the application and training processes. Attendees are encouraged to bring their resumes and be prepared for on-site interviews, as the MPD is actively looking to fill several positions.

For those with questions or seeking more information about the hiring process, please visit Additionally, to stay updated with the latest news and events from the Memphis Police Department, follow them on your favorite social media platforms.

Be a part of the #BestInBlue. #ApplyNow for a fulfilling career in public safety and community service with the Memphis Police Department.