Black Dads Who DO! Jeremy Bowen, Gerrel Watkins and Alfred Lee Evans.

Here at the Tri-State Defender, we’ve declared June as “The Month of the Black Dad!” Meaning, we want to show some love to the men in our communities who are loving fathers and positive role models — not just for their children, but the whole community! Enough talk about the men who don’t; we’re shouting out BLACK DADS WHO DO!

Here are some of your submissions so far! And if you are the proud child of a GREAT BLACK DAD, or know one who deserves a “HUGSHOT,” take a minute to tell us! Visit this link:

Check out this round of “Black Dads Who DO!”

7Gerrel Watkins

Gerrel Watkins is more than just a dad to his daughter, Chloe Gabrielle. He’s her travel buddy, homework helper, bedtime story listener, and biggest fan. Together, they’ve explored six countries, cheered on the Grizzlies, and enjoyed countless movie nights.

6Gerrel Watkins: ‘He tucks me in EVERY SINGLE NIGHT’

“He helps me with my homework and lets me read to him at night,” she said. “He tucks me in EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and I love him so much! He is a PowerParent at my school and a PowerDad at home!”

— Chloe Gabrielle

This heartwarming story of a father’s love is just one example of the many ways African American dads are making a difference in their children’s lives. Do YOU know a Black Dad who deserves a HUGSHOT? Visit and tell us about him!

5Alfred Lee Evans

Alfred Lee Evans is a first-time father who’s proving that fatherhood isn’t about perfect circumstances, it’s about unwavering commitment. Despite working 14-hour evening shifts, he prioritizes his daughter, picking her up and dropping her off at daycare daily.

His dedication doesn’t stop there. He supports his daughter’s mother, encouraging her to return to school, demonstrating a holistic approach to family well-being.

“My granddaughter lights up when seeing her father walk in the room,” shares Alfred’s mother, Gwendolyn Evans. “Alfred makes sure quality time is spent with his daughter no matter how tired he is.”

4Alfred Lee Evans: ‘I’m so proud of the father he has become’

Gwendolyn, a proud mother and grandmother, witnesses firsthand the impact of Alfred’s love and sacrifice.

“I’m so proud of the father he has become,” she said. “He didn’t have a role model in the home. I had a village to help raise him. I’m so thankful. Alfred struggles like most black men. I just keep him prayed up each day.”

— Gwendolyn Evans

Alfred’s story challenges stereotypes and highlights the power of fatherhood within the Black community. Do YOU know a Black Dad who deserves a HUGSHOT? Visit and tell us about him!

3Jeremy Bowen

Jeremy Bowen, a devoted husband and father, exemplifies what it means to be a present and supportive partner. From the very beginning of his wife Jasmine’s pregnancy, he embraced his role as a “Doula Dad,” attending to her needs and desires throughout the journey to parenthood.

2Jeremy Bowen: ‘He has never missed a day in Moziah’s life’

“”He has never missed a day or moment in our son, Moziah’s life,” shares Jasmine, emphasizing Jeremy’s unwavering dedication to their family. He not only showers Moziah with love, support, and guidance but also works tirelessly to provide for them.

— Jasmine Bowen

Jeremy’s story is a heartwarming reminder of the vital role fathers play in their children’s lives. His commitment to being present, both emotionally and financially, makes him a true pillar of strength for his family. Do YOU know a Black Dad who deserves a HUGSHOT? Visit and tell us about him!

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