‘Classic’ Magnetism 2018

TSU President Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover and SHC founder Fred Jones Jr. had plenty to talk about. (Photo: Karanja A. Ajanaku)

The drawing power of the Southern Heritage Classic’s sphere of influence is a year-round effect that shifts into enhanced mode during the annual weekend celebration.

This year that’s Sept. 6-8 and the magnetism is doing its thing. A “Classic” example of such was the VIP reception at the Sheraton late Thursday afternoon/early evening.

SHC Founder Fred Jones Jr. smoothly made the rounds – greeting familiar faces and making new acquaintances through introductions.

Tigers – some from Tennessee State and others from Jackson State – were to be found in every quarter. Humor and good-natured jabs accented the exchanges.

The reception also served as a professional networking opportunity, with business pitches noticeably audible.

Hey, that’s Tom Joyner (second from right). (Photo: Warren Roseborough)

Across town, the SHC magnetism drew many to Club Love, 7144 Winchester Rd., where radio personality – and big-time HBCU supporter Tom Joyner – made a crowd-pleasing appearance.

Joyner’s live broadcast from Tiger Lane Friday morning was the kickoff for a full day of SHC activity, including the invitation-only Coaches Luncheon and the Classic Music Festival at the Landers Center in Southaven Friday night.

And for the record, kickoff is 6 p.m. on Saturday at Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium.

VIP Reception Gallery (Photos: Karanja A. Ajanaku)


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