Half of Republicans would be OK with Trump postponing 2020 election

Half of Republicans would be OK with Trump postponing 2020 election news donald trump1

(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

According to a new Washington Post poll released on Thursday, half of Republicans would be alright with postponing the 2020 election, because they are convinced of Donald Trump‘s false claims of voter fraud.

According to the survey, half of the Republican participants falsely believe that Trump won the popular vote, with two-thirds believing that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. This despite the fact that Trump’s voter fraud claims have been repeatedly debunked.

The poll surveyed 1,325 Americans, with 650 identifying as Republican. The majority of those, according to the poll, would be fine with letting Trump have free run of the next presidential election, with 52 percent saying they would support Trump if he proposed the next election “until the country can make sure that only eligible American citizens can vote.”

Fifty-six percent said that they would support the delay if both the president and Congress supported it.

The poll also noted that those who were most likely to agree with the voter fraud claims were respondents who were younger, less educated, less invested in political news, and more strongly aligned with the GOP.

The poll posited a hypothetical situation for their questions, as Trump has not floated the idea of postponing the next election and has shown no indications that he will consider it. However, he has repeatedly insisted that millions of people voted illegally and therefore cost him the popular vote, and he has hand-picked members of a fraud panel to investigate voter fraud.

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