Mosque 55 Saviour’s Day speaker exalts Nation of Islam’s Elijah Muhammad

Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad keynotes 2018 event in Orange Mound.

Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, national assistant to Minister Louis Farrakhan, took the direct route in declaring Minister Farrakhan divine. (Photo: Johnathan Martin)

Elijah is the one man that the Scripture tells us to look for said Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, the keynote speaker at Mosque 55’s 2018 Saviour’s Day Observance.

“Elijah Muhammad is the messiah,” Muhammad told a crowd at the Orange Mound Senior Center on Sunday afternoon.

Mentored by Nation of Islam founder Wallace D. Fard, Elijah Muhammad guided the Nation of Islam from 1934 until his death in February 1975.

“We’re not holding back and taking the scenic route anymore,” Minister Ishmael Muhammad declared, “because the time of your deliverance is long overdue but it’s right now.”

I thank Allah for his (Elijah Muhammad’s) coming, Muhammad said.

“I thank him for rising from the black man of America his messenger messiah the most honorable Elijah Muhammad and for giving to us the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a divine leader, teacher, guide for all of us.”

Saviour’s Day message: You are hated because you are chosen – Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad, January 21, 2018, Memphis, Tn. (Videographer: Johnathan Martin/TSDtv)




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