South Memphis Neighborhood Hosts 31st Picnic & Parade to End Violence

Free food & music; Parade starts at 10 a.m., Picnic from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Lauderdale Sub Neighborhood Association will host its 31st Annual Community Picnic and Parade on Saturday, September 21. 2019 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Southside Park. 612 South Parkway East.

This is a community reunion of current and former stakeholders. This is an effort to reach out to our neighborhood youth and young adults to show them we care about what happens to them. If we can save at least one youth from senseless violence and teach them how to “Live In Peace” free from the violence in today’s society. If we teach them a trade or skill, that would set a whole new path for them and put them back on the right road to a long successful life. We believe that by educating our youth is the key to keeping them free.

The Parade starts at 10 a.m. on Lauderdale at Alton and precedes north on Lauderdale to Parkway and ends at Southside Park. The Annual Community Picnic starts at 11a.m. and ends at 5p.m.

This event is FREE and open to the public. Invited guests include Congressman Steve Cohen, Stevie Moore Founder and President of FFUN, State Representatives Barbara Cooper and G.A. Hardaway, Commissioner Reginald Milton and a host of others.

Free food, free games and free entertainment. For additional information or to donate contact Kermit Moore, President at 901-351 -1973 or Paula Cunningham, Secretary at 901-409-2578.

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