Tennessee Highway Patrol to be out in force for holiday season

Tennessee Highway Patrol

Commissioner Jeff Long of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSOHS) and Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) Colonel Dereck R. Stewart this week joined multiple law enforcement partners to announce the seventh annual “I-40 Challenge” traffic safety initiative.

“The I-40 Challenge” or “CARE across Tennessee” will consist of increased patrols from state police/ highway patrols as well as local agencies along the I-40 corridor nationwide.

In Tennessee, I-40 enforcement will increase on the busiest travel days during the Thanksgiving holiday. THP will assign troopers every 20 miles on Interstate 40 for 12-hour shifts on the busiest travel days of the weekend: Wednesday, November 27 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, December 1, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

THP will continue state-wide enforcement on all Tennessee roadways during the holiday season.

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