The virus did not stop this birthday!

Talia Bliss was the birthday girl and the recipient of a drive-by surprise. (Photo: Gary S. Whitlow/GSW Enterprises)

by Tabitha McGuire — 

My daughter, Talia Bliss, was born May 4, 2005. We have celebrated her birthday every year in some kind of way, whether it be a party, dinner with the family or just cake and ice cream. This year was to be no different.

The pandemic and the shelter-at-home order threw a monkey wrench in our traditional plans. But a 15-year-old girl watching the world around her open up, while her county decides to shelter at home, still feels some type of way about her birthday.

I’m not a social-media maven. But I had seen the birthday parades and I thought maybe she’d like that. It would give her a chance to see her family while maintaining a safe distance.

Pictured (l-r): Ashley Nicole, Chloe Janelle, Talia Bliss and her mother, Tabitha McGuire. (Photo: Gary S. Whitlow/GSW Enterprises)

I texted my friends that have watched her grow over the years. I put a message in the cousins’ groupme and I got in touch with her granddad.  Everyone was game.

The best part was it was all a surprise.

The parade is on. {Photo: Gary S. Whitlow/GSW Enterprises}

My best friend lined the cars up on the street behind our house and at the prearranged time we brought Bliss out. We handed out cookies as party favors. The cars stopped and everyone sang both versions of happy birthday to her.

She loved absolutely every minute it. Her birthday was a success.

The virus did not stop this birthday!

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