Tomi Lahren reportedly lands a new job supporting Donald Trump

Tomi Lahren reportedly lands a new job supporting Donald Trump news Tomi Lahren


After being “banned permanently” from The Blaze, Tomi Lahren has a new job, this time for the Great America Alliance, an advocacy group supporting President Donald Trump. She will be a senior communications adviser for the group.

Details are not yet out about the agreement, but considering the fact that the Great America Alliance has a large image of Lahren along with a “Join Tomi Lahren” statement on their page, it’s safe to say she’s probably going to be featured by the group.

— Tomi Lahren explains why white people are afraid to talk about race — 

Lahren had a falling out with The Blaze and Glenn Beck after she made an appearance on The View in which she admitted that, despite the fact that she was conservative herself, she felt it was hypocritical of conservatives who were pro-life to say that government should mandate that women could not get abortions.

“I’m pro-choice,” Lahren said at the time, “and here’s why: I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think that the government should decide what women should do with their bodies.”

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