TSD Publisher/CEO calls for Congressional hearings on police shootings, misconduct

    By Lee Eric Smith

    In the wake of the police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La., and Philando Castile in Minnesota — both events captured on cell phone video and broadcast worldwide — Bernal E. Smith, II, CEO and Publisher of The New Tri-State Defender immediately went online to launch a petition calling for the U.S. Congress to investigate the shootings and their causes.

    From Smith’s Facebook page:

    It is insane to me that Congress and the Department of Justice has spent countless hours and millions of dollars investigating some damn emails and which servers they were on, but citizens are being murdered live on the Internet and in cold blood in the streets and no one has the balls to even call for a gdamn inquiry regarding these lawless murders. I am sending out a petition calling for Congressional hearings on these matters immediately, I hope that you will sign it!

    To see and sign the petition, click here. And stay tuned to TSDMemphis.com for more info about how you can get involved.

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