Valero Memphis Refinery to donate $75,000 to support SCS students


Schools near the Valero Memphis Refinery are getting a boost from the company to meet the need to better equip students for virtual learning and opportunities for post-secondary education.

A donation by the Valero Memphis Refinery is being directed to SchoolSeed as one of Valero’s 2020 children’s charity recipients. The corporation’s main fundraising event, the Valero Texas Open, was canceled due to COVID-19, but that didn’t stop it from giving back.

“I’m excited our District has been chosen to be recipients of such generosity during challenging times,” said Shante K. Avant. “As a dedicated school board member, I could not be more proud of the communities we serve.”

Carver High School will receive 45 tablets and wifi for one year. This will support seniors in search of post-secondary opportunities and will be useful throughout college.

Riverview K-8 will receive school supplies and hotspots for 300 students.

Levi Elementary will receive headsets and school supplies for every student.

Vision Prep Academy will receive hotspots.

“We welcome the gift of giving in support of student success,” said SCS Supt. Dr. Joris M. Ray. “I appreciate the continuous contributions of our community partners who are finding various ways to reinforce the District’s efforts to help SCS families during virtual learning.”

The donation to SchoolSeed and SCS is part of $350,000 in awards being distributed to Memphis-area charities.

“This is really positive news for our local nonprofit organizations, many of whom are facing challenges as a result of the pandemic,” said Eric Brown, vice president and general manager of the Valero Memphis Refinery. “We know how important it is to continue supporting these agencies and the work they do for the children in our community.”

“We are thankful to be amongst a community dedicated to investing in our children and I continue to be amazed by the outpouring of support,” said School Board Chairperson Miska Clay Bibbs.

The check presentation will be held Tuesday (November 17) at 4 p.m. at Carver High School (1591 Pennsylvania St). Dr. Ray and SchoolSeed President/CEO Vince McCaskill will give remarks.

(Click here for more information about the Valero charities.)


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