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BEST IN BLACK IS BACK! Nominations open Nov. 4

The Best in Black (BIB) Awards presentation hosted by The New Tri-State Defender has been retooled and repositioned for African American History Month.

“TSD is excited to present the next installment of BIB,” said Calvin Anderson, president of Best Media Properties, the parent company of The New Tri-State Defender.

“We launch our nominations open to all readers from Nov. 4 to November 25. Our ballot selection will run Dec. 9 to Dec. 23. We will bring to you the 2020 BIB event February 6.”

Zeroing in on the purpose, Anderson said, “It is so important to acknowledge and encourage the businesses and organizations of all size and scope that strive to make our community great. TSD is so pleased to again advance this effort.”

First hosted in 2012, The Best in Black Awards (BIB) endeavor to shine a light upon some of the most outstanding African-American businesses, community organizations and individuals in the Mid-South. BIB serves as a marketing and recognition platform for those individuals and companies while encouraging the community’s next generation of business leaders.

From the onset, BIB was envisioned as a way for the community to have a true voice in identifying and elevating those businesses that the community most supports. BIB was created by the late publisher of The New Tri-State Defender, Bernal E. Smith II, who passed away Oct. 22, 2017.

For Smith, the Best in Black Awards were interwoven with two of his passions – black economic empowerment and cooperative economics.

As has been the case in previous years, voting will completed online. The website portal is www.bestinblackawardsmemphis.com.

Stay tuned for more details.

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