Best in Black Awards


for the Best In Black Awards.  The categories for nomination and the application are here.

Nominate a Business

About the Best in Black Awards

The Best In Black (BIB) Awards, hosted by The Tri-State Defender, is an endeavor to shine a spotlight upon some of the most outstanding Black businesses, community organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals in the Mid-South.The Best In Black Awards mission is to celebrate Black-owned and operated businesses and serve as a marketing and recognition platform amplifying the selected honorees.This awards program gives citizens an opportunity to nominate and vote for businesses, organizations and individuals. It is also a platform where the Tri-State Defender can promote and celebrate the businesses that support our media platforms.This year the Best In Black Awards will be Thursday, November 14, at the Central Station Hotel. More details about the program will be added to this website in the next few weeks.Please come back to the website in August when the nomination process opens.The Tri-State Defender is seeking sponsorships for the event. Download the sponsorship packet and call one of our representatives for more information.

Call the office at 901.523.1818.We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Best in Black Awards.

Lee Eric Smith, Interim Editor
Latasha Jackson, Administrator
Diamond Taylor, Event Coordinator

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