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Global vs. Local:

By Nielson

Consumers around the world really care about brand origin. And why wouldn’t they? Shoppers, by and large, have more options available than ever before, thanks to today’s connected world. But when it comes to choosing specific products, do consumers prefer global brands or local ones? The answer depends primarily on the category, and there is a surprising amount of agreement across regions.

It’s no surprise that when it comes to fresh foods, local brands are the clear favorite. The majority of global respondents who have purchased the category say they prefer local brands to global ones for vegetables (68% vs. 11%), meat (66% vs. 13%), fruit (64% vs. 12%), seafood (57% vs. 18%) and yogurt (52% vs. 22%). The preference for local brands holds for every fresh category in the study and in every region, with only one exception: For yogurt, North American respondents show an equal one-third split between a preference for local and global brands. The remaining third say brand origin isn’t important. And the yogurt category is not the only difference for North American respondents. While a preference for locally sourced fresh foods trumps a preference for globally sourced fresh foods in the region, the percentage of respondents who say they prefer local brands is below the global average for all five fresh-food categories, while the percentage who say they prefer global brands is higher than in any other region.

“Perishability is an obvious factor for purchasing locally sourced foods, but food safety concerns and cost are other important considerations for consumers,” said Patrick Dodd, group president, Nielsen Growth Markets. “Additionally, buying local fresh products increases the likelihood that a product will be more flavorful and, in some cases, more nutritious than one transported from many miles away, as the nutritional value of some foods diminishes with time.”

For packaged foods and snacks, the story is somewhat similar to that for fresh foods, even though there is no “perishables” barrier impeding the growth of global brands in this case: local taste preferences dominate. Among global respondents who purchase the category, local brands are preferred to global brands for ice cream (44% vs. 27%, respectively), cookies and biscuits (40% vs. 28%), crisps and crackers (40% vs. 28%), breakfast cereal (44% vs. 29%), instant noodles (47% vs. 24%) and canned vegetables (53% vs. 20%). Sweets and chocolate is the only category of packaged-foods and snacks in the study where global brands are preferred to local ones (37% vs. 33%).

“Winning in packaged-food and snack categories is all about understanding and innovating around local tastes and eating habits,” said Dodd. “Local companies often have a deeper understanding of consumer tastes in their market and can respond more quickly to changing needs. Therefore, they are typically adept at developing products that appeal to these particular preferences. Global brands, in contrast, often capitalize on economies of scale and offer more homogeneous products across markets.”

At the regional level, preferences in Asia-Pacific and Africa/Middle East mirror the global results. Local brands are also preferred in Latin America for all of the packaged-food and snack categories in the study except sweets and breakfast cereal. The same is true in Europe; although, the largest percentage of respondents in Europe say brand origin is not important for sweets, crackers and instant noodles. In North America, preferences are split. More respondents say they prefer global brands to local ones for sweets/chocolates, breakfast cereal, crackers and instant noodles, but local brands are preferred for ice cream and canned vegetables. For most of these categories, however, the largest percentage of North American respondents say brand origin isn’t important to them.

Other findings from the Global Brand-Origin report include:

• The top reasons for choosing a brand are the same for both global and local brands: better price/value, positive experience with the brand, safer ingredients and processing, better product benefits, and sales/promotion.

• Nearly six in 10 global respondents (59%) say they buy local brands because they support local businesses, with sentiment highest in North America (65%).

• When shopping online, global respondents say they’re more likely to seek out global brands for durable and electronic products and local brands for consumable products.

• One-fifth of global respondents (21%) say national pride is one of the most important reasons they buy local products, with sentiment highest in Africa/Middle East (25%), Asia-Pacific (24%) and Latin America (21%).

For more detail and insight, download Nielsen’s Global Brand-Origin Report. If you would like more detailed country-level data from this survey, it is available for sale in the Nielsen Store.

Girls outperform boys in test of tech-engineering literacy

By Carolyn Thompson, Associated Press

Eighth-grade girls are not only as skilled as boys at thinking through problems and using technology to solve them, they may even be a little better, a study released Tuesday suggests.

The findings come from a first-of-its-kind assessment of technology and engineering literacy by the Nation’s Report Card.

When asked to tackle real-life scenarios such as designing a safe bicycle lane or improving a pet iguana’s habitat, 45 percent of girls and 42 percent of boys showed proficiency at understanding and using technology, the computer-based assessment found.

“The importance here is to use this information to encourage more young women to recognize that they possess these skills, that they should have confidence with these skills,” said Bill Bushaw, executive director of the National Assessment Governing Board that oversees The Nation’s Report Card.

And, at a time when women are underrepresented in STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — jobs, it’s important that they know “that they can pursue careers not only in the STEM fields but in other fields that require problem solving and critical thinking,” he said.

The assessment was given to 21,500 eighth-grade students in 840 schools in 2014. It will be repeated in 2018.

Among white students, 56 percent scored proficient or better, compared with 18 percent of black students and 28 percent of Hispanic eighth-grade students. Suburban and rural students outperformed students in city schools, the report card said.

About 25 percent of students eligible for free or reduced school lunches scored proficient or above, compared to 59 percent of students from families with higher incomes.

When asked where they learned about building things or understanding how things worked, nearly two-thirds of the students said family members. About 52 percent reported taking at least one technology or engineering course in school. Whether they learned technology in or out of school, students with some exposure scored better on the assessment, the report said.

“But access to these opportunities from place to place is patchy,” said Dr. Tonya Matthews, president and chief executive of the Michigan Science Center, where the report was released. “That’s a call for communities to create opportunities where needed, from schools to science centers to after-school programming.”

One of the test scenarios challenged students to consider speed limits and lane width to evaluate the safety of a bike route. The iguana task had them learning about iguanas and modifying the cage of a class pet named “Iggy” to keep the creature from being cold, dehydrated or up all night.

Bushaw said the new, interactive nature of the test allowed students to better demonstrate their skills.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

7 tips to help you build a million dollar 401k plan

By NewsOne

Want to be a millionaire by the time you retire?

If the answer is yes, then America’s Wealth Coach Deborah Owens has some very important information to share with you in this week’s installment of WealthyU.

Fidelity Investments, one of the largest 401k plan providers, announced they’ve seen the numbers of million dollar plus 401k accounts double since 2012.

Owens explained, “One of the reasons 401k plans have doubled is because of the stock market performance. If anything, take this as a lesson and understand that the market is going to go down, but that’s when you want to continue to invest.”

Owens joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to share seven tips that will help you build a million dollar 401k plan and retire in financial security.

WealthyU Tips To Build A Million Dollar 401k Plan:

1) Start contributing ASAP

2) Invest to the amount of employer matching contribution

3) Contribute 10% of annual income

4) No loans or withdrawals

5) Diversify into best performing mutual funds

6) Review annually

7) Rollover contributions

Watch America’s Wealth Coach Deborah Owens break down her seven tips to help you build a million dollar 401k plan and the different investing options that are available to you in the video clip above.

The financial guru is also offering a “21 Day WealthyU Challenge.” Owens’ initiative was designed to help participants “make it a habit to build wealth.”

ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT: Unemployment for young black grads

By Elise Gould and Tanyell Cooke, Economic Policy Institute

The black unemployment rate is typically twice as high as the white unemployment rate, and African Americans are often the last to feel the economic benefits during a recovery. These realities are reflected in the fact that the unemployment rate for young black graduates is still worse today than it ever was for whites in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

Young black college graduates (age 24–29) currently have an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent—higher than the peak unemployment rate for young white college graduates during the recovery (9.0 percent). Young blacks with only a high-school degree (age 17–20) face a grimmer picture: an unemployment rate of 28.4 percent, which is also higher than the peak unemployment rate for white high-school graduates during the recovery (25.9 percent).

Since these young graduates have the same basic degree and are in the same labor market position as their peers (whether high school or college), one would hope there would be little disparity in the unemployment rates of each group. The fact that having an equivalent amount of education and a virtual blank slate of prior professional work experience still does not generate parity in unemployment across race is evidence that factors such as discrimination, or unequal access to the informal networks that often lead to job opportunities are in play.

Derrick Henry starts settling in at Titans rookie minicamp

By Teresa M. Walker, AP Pro Football Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Titans rookie linebacker Aaron Wallace looks across the line of scrimmage and sees an almost a mirror image of himself standing on the other side.

Except Derrick Henry is a running back.

And luckily for Wallace, now his teammate.

“It’s a big back coming at you,” said Wallace, a big man himself at 6-foot-2 and 242 pounds. “Yeah he’s a good player and excited that he’s on our team and we get to go against him in practice.”

Friday marked the first day of rookie minicamp for the Titans’ 10 draft picks, 12 undrafted free agents and a batch of 20 players getting a chance at catching a coach’s eye. Yet there was Henry attracting plenty of attention despite being Tennessee’s fourth pick with the 45th overall selection.

Not only did Henry win the Heisman Trophy and help Alabama win another national championship last season, it’s the sheer size he brings at running back standing 6-foot-3. Henry did note he’s currently about 243 pounds, a bit lighter than the 247 the Titans currently are listing him.

Offensive guard Sebastian Tretola, no slouch himself at 6-4 and 314 pounds, summed Henry up with one word: “Massive.”

“I’ll be honest,” Tretola said. “We played Alabama, and we saw him. But having him run behind you is a whole different ballgame. He’s a huge dude. He knows what he’s doing. He’s a big powerful back, so it definitely should be fun.”

After trading for DeMarco Murray in March, the Titans don’t need Henry to come in and set records like he did last year at Alabama where he ran for 2,219 yards and 28 touchdowns. Coach Mike Mularkey called Murray once the Titans drafted Henry with their third pick in the second round and reassured the running back he remains their starter.

Mularkey has made it very clear the Titans will be running a smash mouth offense, and the coach said he liked a lot of what he saw from Henry on the rookie’s first day on the field. The coach liked how Henry read the holes created by a new offensive line along with his pass protection skills.

“Some of the guys got beat up front, he had no problem stepping right up and picking up leakage, so that’s very good to see the very first day,” Mularkey said.

His new coach said he thinks Henry will get comfortable with the Titans’ offense pretty quickly.

“It’s not far off of what he’s been familiar with,” Mularkey said. “There’s a couple different runs that are more our bread and butter, things I think will play to his ability.”

Henry finds himself in a very comfortable situation. He played at Alabama with current Titans fullback Jalston Fowler, whom Henry calls a big brother. Right guard Chance Warmack also played at Alabama. Quarterback Marcus Mariota, who won the Heisman the year before Henry, now is a teammate as well.

“We talk all the time,” Henry said. “He’s a great dude too. He gives great advice.”

Henry called Murray, who led the NFL in 2014 with 1,845 yards rushing, a great pro he can learn from.

Questions about whether Henry is more than a straight-ahead runner helped drop him to No. 45 overall. Henry said he never doubts himself and is just working on areas he can improve himself. Asked if he can make defenders miss as well as run them over, Henry had a short answer.

“Yes,” Henry said.

Notes: Offensive line coach Russ Grimm missed the rookie minicamp with his daughter getting married Saturday. Nose tackle Antwaun Woods also was absent, and Mularkey said Woods had to leave because his girlfriend was having a baby. … The Titans signed rookie free agent cornerback Morgan Burns. He returned four kickoffs for touchdown last year at Kansas State.

On Our Way to Wealthy

By Carlee McCullough, Esq., Special to The New Tri-State Defender

Real estate has traditionally been used as a means to increase wealth. A first step may include first-time homeownership. The next step may be multifamily purchases. But another option along the wealth-building spectrum includes adding commercial real estate to the investment portfolio. Commercial property usually encompasses apartment, office, retail, warehouses, and/or industrial buildings.

Business owners at some point and time have to determine whether renting or owning their space is in their best interest. Initially, when the business is a startup and uncertain, a lease may be more appropriate. However, as the business grows and becomes more established and financially stable, a purchase of commercial property may appear to be more suitable for the business model. When making this decision, there are a number of factors that need to be considered, including the cash flow of the business.

Advantages to owning Commercial Real Estate

Fixed Rates

As an owner-occupant of the property, the business owner is not subject to market rent increases by the landlord or manager. Commercial leases tend to run longer than normal residential leases and as a result, at the end of the commercial term, the rent may increase depending on the supply and demand of space at the time. If the business owner has been in the location for a long period of time, moving may not be an option. This may force the business owner to accept the higher rent for a longer period of time. However, if the business owner purchased their space, there is less exposure to uncertainty in monthly rent expenses. Hopefully the monthly mortgage rate is fixed by the bank and there is certainty for a long period of time.

Property appreciation

Over time the property should appreciate in value – meaning it is worth more today than it was yesterday. This usually occurs if the real estate market is strong and not on the decline or experiencing a market correction. Secondly, paying the mortgage down is like placing money in the bank if the property maintains its value. Unlike paying rent, the real estate owner should gain equity in the property with each payment made unless the loan payments are interest only. Ideally, after paying the mortgage off, the business owner has a property worth more than what it was purchased for years ago and this contributes to the owner’s overall wealth. But if the business owner had rented for years, there would be no equity and no overall increase in wealth from a real estate perspective.


A brighter side of owning real estate is apparent when there is an owner-occupant who has tenants as well. The tenants help pay the mortgage and the business owner has an additional source of income and cash flow. Dependable, stable paying tenants are key to success in commercial real estate. An unstable tenant can be the sole cause of a real estate owner losing the property if there is a dependence on the rent payments.

Tax benefits

From capital gains to depreciation and interest to repairs, there are tax benefits that help to lower income for tax purposes. A good accountant is a must to take advantage of all of the benefits available. The earlier the accountant is engaged the better.


Location. Location. Location. In some businesses image is everything. The location of the business can say a lot about the business. Traffic, accessibility and visibility can tremendously and positively impact a business. Ownership of the real estate makes a statement of independence, strength and stability.

Operating expenses and maintenance

In certain situations, the owner of the real estate is responsible for the maintenance of the property, although there are times in a commercial setting where maintenance costs are passed on to the tenant. However, if the owner is responsible for maintenance, the owner determines when to repair, who is going to repair it, and how it is going to be repaired. If the maintenance needs to be deferred temporarily for cash flow purposes, it is the owner’s prerogative. Ownership has its privileges.

Commercial tenants

There are a thousand stories floating around about nightmare residential tenants that destroyed the property. Commercial tenants tend to be just the opposite in that they maintain the property because it is a reflection of their business and ability to earn a living. So the tenants in a commercial setting usually take better care of the facility than residential tenants.

Overall, the decision to rent or own is one that has to be evaluated by the business owner to determine what is in the best interest of the business.

(Contact Carlee M. McCullough, Esq. at 901-795-0050; email – jstce4all@aol.com.)

ANALYSIS: Bring Lionel back?

By Lee Eric Smith, lesmith@tri-statedefender.com

Friday night (May 6), Dave Joerger was the head coach of the Memphis Grizzlies and the next biggest question was whether or not Mike Conley would return as a free agent.

By Monday, Joerger had been fired by the Grizzlies and announced as head coach of the Sacramento Kings. Meanwhile, the Grizzlies are shopping for a new head coach to start off a pivotal summer for the local NBA franchise.


“The decision was made because I believe you need a deeply committed leadership team in order to establish the strong culture needed for sustainable long-term success,” said Grizzlies General Manager Chris Wallace on Grizzlies.com. “(It) was not about Dave’s in-game coaching. Dave did an admirable job managing games. However, being an NBA head coach is about more than just coaching a 48-minute game.”

It’s a little too familiar, isn’t it? Popular head coach clashes with the Grizzlies front office, then leads the team to unexpected success and then unceremoniously let go weeks later? Where have we seen this movie before?

Oh yeah. Lionel Hollins, circa 2013.

And now that the Grizzlies are a team without a coach and Hollins is a coach without a team (fired midseason by the Brooklyn Nets), some Memphians are clamoring for the team to bring him back, correcting the error of letting him go in the first place. Wallace fueled speculation Monday by being photographed having dinner with his former employee at a local Humdingers.

All the team has said is that they are proceeding with the search for another coach. But who should that be? What is this “strong culture” that Joerger couldn’t sustain? Here’s my two cents on each of the top candidates, along with Hollins, who may not be a candidate at all:

Lionel Hollins

Plenty of Memphians were livid when, mere weeks after guiding the team to the Western Conference Finals, Hollins contract was not renewed. He should have kept the job. Even Joerger has said that Hollins deserved to keep the job. But is he the right coach now?

The answer depends on how you feel about how far the “Core Four” – Mike Conley, Tony Allen, Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol – can take you. That team and the style of ball it played under Hollins is a playoff team. But in the hot-shooting, run-n-fun NBA of today, it likely won’t get you past the second round.

I love and respect Hollins. He would certainly get his team to play hard, no doubt. But unless he (or any coach) have players who can make shots while playing tough, hardnosed defense, bringing him back would be like getting back together with an old flame – fun, familiar, easy … until you remember why you broke up in the first place.

Frank Vogel

It shouldn’t really surprise anyone that the former Indiana Pacers coach is considered the frontrunner. He and Wallace worked together in Boston, and Vogel’s Pacers teams were often called “Grizzlies East” because of how hard they worked and their slower pace.

If he can duplicate his final season with the Pacers, the Grizzlies will take it. With big men David West and Roy Hibbert’s departures, Vogel maintained a top-rated defense, while speeding up the pace en route to a 45-37 record. But that team’s offensive rating also remained in the bottom third of the league. Vogel is a great coach … but (stop me if it sounds familiar) he’ll still need players.

David Blatt

Cleveland brought Blatt in to gradually build a team around Kyrie Irving. Then LeBron James and Kevin Love joined the squad and the new expectation was a championship. He guided them to the Finals, but was let go early in the 2015-16 season.

If Memphis is indeed looking to transition to a different style of play with significant new faces, Blatt might be the guy. Expectations would be tempered here, and absent a surprise trade for a future Hall-of-Famer, fans wouldn’t expect instant success.

Mark Jackson

The former Golden State Warriors coach and current ESPN analyst deserves some credit for laying the foundation for the Warrior’s current success. Or does he? How much of it has to do with Steph Curry’s ankles finally healing up?

At any rate, Jackson, also a minister, would be wildly popular with the church crowd here in Memphis. The question I have is whether he (or any “old-school coach”) would be able to adapt his style to how younger players see the world. I know what you’re thinking: “Younger players.” Well, the Grizzlies have to get some eventually, right? RIGHT?

Ettiore Messina

Messina is currently an assistant under Gregg Popovich in San Antonio, but he had a substantial coaching resume in Europe before that. And given how Spurs alumni have fared elsewhere (Mike Budenholzer, Tom Thibodeau, Mike Brown, Brett Brown), one could hope for some of that Spurs mojo to carry over.

But for all his pedigree, Messina would still be a rookie NBA head coach. Again, if expectations are reasonable, the team and its fans could grow with him. But my hunch is that the team isn’t looking for a coaching rookie – not while they’re trying to convince Mike Conley to stay.

Errbody else

There are the Grizzlies’ assistants – Elston Turner, Bob Thornton, Shawn Respert. There are the throwback options – Jeff Van Gundy, Mike D’Antoni, George Karl. I’d love if the Grizzlies at least interviewed Becky Hammon, also an assistant in San Antonio.

But the real questions ultimately remain around who will actually suit up on Beale this fall. Will Mike Conley return? Will Marc Gasol be healthy? Will both of them sit still for a rebuild, if that’s what it comes to? Can Wallace find more hidden gems and bargains in the “scratch and dent” bin of the NBA – especially now that teams use advanced stats to recognize a player’s contributions?

Wallace was general manager when he realized that a team built around Pau Gasol had done all it could do at that point, and he blew up the team. There were three difficult years of basketball that followed, but eventually that vision manifested into this “Grit-N-Grind” era.

Here we are again, but it’s different. I hate to say it, but the Grizzlies as currently constructed around “The Core Four” won’t make it past the second round – if they can make the playoffs at all.

But unlike Pau Gasol, whom fans liked but didn’t love, Zach Randolph and Tony Allen are sports gods in Memphis. Even if their production declines – and it will – fans want to see those guys retire here. How do you jettison the players your fans show up to see?

One way you shift a team culture is by bringing in a new coach. Whoever the Grizzlies hire to replace Joerger will still need to get his players to play hard for him, particularly on the defensive end. And yes, the players will need to make shots from beyond the arc, and in bunches.

But don’t be fooled – if Wallace can’t manufacture more roster magic, it won’t much matter who the Grizzlies choose as their coach.

Tubby Smith adds 4 assistants to his Memphis coaching staff

By Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Tubby Smith has filled out his Memphis coaching staff by hiring four of his assistants from Texas Tech.

Memphis announced Tuesday that Smith has added Pooh Williamson, Joe Esposito, Saul Smith, and Zo Goodson.

Smith said in a statement that he put together a staff he’s familiar with to bring continuity to help recruit the players that fit his system and style.

Williamson, Esposito, and Smith will be assistant coaches with Smith. Goodson will be the director of basketball operations, while Smith is keeping Keelon Lawson from former coach Josh Pastner’s staff as director of player development.

Memphis hired Smith away from Texas Tech to be the Tigers’ new coach last month after Pastner left for Georgia Tech.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Stephen Curry becomes 1st unanimous MVP

By Yesha Callahan, The Root

Throw some respeck on Stephen Curry’s name, because he’s made history by becoming the NBA’s first unanimous MVP.

Curry earned his second straight award after leading the Golden State Warriors to an amazing record-setting season.

According to the Associated Press, Curry received 1,310 points from the 130 media voters from the U.S. and Canada.

Coming in second was Kawhi Leonard of the San Antonio Spurs, followed by LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers, and Oklahoma City Thunder teammates Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant.

Curry will receive his MVP trophy Tuesday afternoon before going up against the Portland Trailblazers on Wednesday.

Kings hire coach Dave Joerger 2 days after firing in Memphis

By Josh Dubow, AP Sports Writer

Two days after being jettisoned by the Memphis Grizzlies, Dave Joerger has landed in Sacramento as the latest coach looking to end the Kings’ decade-long playoff drought.

Joerger replaces George Karl and becomes the Kings’ ninth head coach since the team went to the playoffs in 2006 under Rick Adelman.

“He is a strong and passionate leader with a proven track record of producing results,” general manager Vlade Divac said. “Dave shares our focus on creating a long-term culture of winning and I look forward to a bright future ahead for the Kings with his leadership on the court.”

Joerger went 147-99 in three seasons with the Grizzlies and took them to the playoffs each year. He led the injury-ravaged team to 42 wins this season, pushing them to the playoffs, where they were swept by the San Antonio Spurs in the first round.

Despite the success he achieved with the Grizzlies, he never was able to get on the same page with Memphis owner Robert Pera. Joerger was hired to replace Lionel Hollins after spending six years as an assistant in Memphis, but Pera never seemed to warm to him.

The situation grew so strained that Joerger interviewed for the open Minnesota Timberwolves job two summers ago before ultimately staying in Memphis.

He quickly found a landing place in Sacramento, where just getting to the playoffs in the team’s first season in its new downtown arena would be a major accomplishment.

The Kings went 33-49 last season and Karl clashed with ownership, Divac and All-Star DeMarcus Cousins in his lone full season on the job. Karl had been hired in February 2015 to replace Tyrone Corbin and had a 44-68 mark during his tenure.

When they opened up the search, the Kings pledged to go through a methodical, deliberate process and interview as many candidates as possible before making a decision. But as soon as Joerger was surprisingly made available, the Kings swooped in.

Joerger flew to Sacramento on Sunday for his first round of discussions, then had more meetings on Monday morning before the agreement was reached.

Joerger will get a three-year contract worth $4 million per season, a person with knowledge of the agreement told The Associated Press. The deal includes a team option for the fourth season. The person spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because the team did not release the terms of the deal.

Joerger will make double with the Kings what he was making in Memphis. He will be tasked with ending a playoff drought in Sacramento that extends back to 2006, the second-longest active drought in the league.

His first order of business will be to find common ground with Cousins, one of the most gifted big men in the league who hasn’t seen eye to eye with any coach he’s had in Sacramento except for Michael Malone, who was abruptly fired in December 2014 as the team has struggled for any stability under owner Vivek Ranadive.

Ranadive hired Malone soon after buying the team in 2013, picking a coach before he even hired Pete D’Alessandro as general manager. Malone was fired 24 games into his second season despite a close relationship with Cousins and some improvement on the court.

Corbin took over in December 2014 but lasted just two months before the team turned to the veteran Karl, who has the fifth-most wins all-time with a record of 1,175-824.

But D’Alessandro was replaced by Divac a few months after the move. Divac fired one of Karl’s assistants, Vance Walberg, midway through this season and then parted ways with Karl.

While the Kings won 30 games this season for the first time since 2007-08, they once again missed the playoffs as Karl failed to fix the problems on the court. The team allowed a league-worst 109.1 points per game and give up an NBA-record 839 3-pointers.

Then there were the issues between Karl and Cousins that boiled over last month when Cousins was suspended for one game by the team for yelling at Karl during a timeout huddle.

Divac now hopes Joerger can get the best out of the immensely talented but sometimes difficult Cousins, who has had five coaches in his six seasons in the NBA. Cousins is coming off his most productive season, averaging a career-high 26.9 points per game, along with 11.5 rebounds and 3.3 assists.

(AP Basketball Writer Jon Krawczynski contributed to this report.)

NOTE: Lionel Hollins, who lead the Grizzlies before being replaced by Dave Joerger, reportedly dined with Chris Wallace, the Grizzlies general manager, on Monday night. Could Hollins be in the mix for a return? Meanwhile, much speculation swirls around the possibility of retaining Frank Vogel, head coach of the Indiana Pacers.