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BCBST Updates: Health disparities and COVID-19: Q&A with Dr. Andrea Willis


From BCBSTUpdates.com

COVID-19 has left no community untouched. Infecting more than 1 million Americans and resulting in the deaths of more than 75,000 people as of May 8, the coronavirus has taken an especially dramatic toll on African Americans and other communities of color.

While the nation still lacks complete racial data on COVID-19 patients, according to the latest data where race was provided, African Americans accounted for more than one-third (33%) of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., yet make up only around 13 percent of the population.

This disproportionate impact is seen here in Tennessee, too. Despite comprising only 17 percent of the population, African Americans represent 21 percent of COVID-19 cases and roughly 31 percent of deaths across the state, according to the latest data available.

These startling numbers highlight the troublesome nature of health disparities in our country. Simply put, when compared to white Americans, racial and ethnic minorities often face higher rates of illness and worse health outcomes whether from more common ailments such as diabetes or the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

As part of her ongoing educational series on the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Andrea Willis, senior vice president and chief medical officer at BlueCross, explains some of the factors driving health disparities  and what you can do to protect yourself and others who may be vulnerable.

Why is coronavirus impacting African Americans at such high rates?

Dr. Willis: There are several reasons.

1. African Americans have higher rates of pre-existing conditions.

Regardless of race, this disease is known to have a greater impact on those with underlying health conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes, heart disease and long-term lung problems are the most common health conditions among Americans hospitalized with COVID-19. African Americans suffer from those health conditions at a higher rate than other groups, making them more vulnerable to the more severe impacts of this respiratory illness. Even when it’s well controlled, a pre-existing condition means the body is expending energy to lessen its impact. When those health issues are not well managed, the body is fighting a potentially losing battle – and coupled with COVID-19, the odds are stacked even greater.

These COVID-19 health disparities – often referred to as the “crisis within a crisis” – cause additional stress to the body, which also negatively affects the immune system, at a time when we need our immune systems to function optimally.

2. African Americans and other minorities are less likely to be able to work from home.

African Americans and Hispanics hold a disproportionately higher rate of essential roles that require in-person interaction. Jobs like emergency workers, bus drivers, grocery store clerks, cleaning crews, delivery staff and nurses are on the front line. They’re often more exposed to others who may be infected, or who are not practicing infection prevention recommendations. Many African Americans hold hourly positions and may not have health benefits or paid sick leave, making it more challenging to seek health care when sick or suffering from chronic conditions.

3. African Americans’ housing challenges may contribute as well.

Social determinants – the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age – have a major impact on health outcomes, especially for those in vulnerable communities. For example, African Americans and other racial minorities are more likely to live in densely populated areas, and people living in high-population cities and in multi-residence properties may find it harder to practice social distancing. African Americans are also more likely to have multiple generations living together in one home. Younger members of the family who are working among the public in essential jobs may unintentionally bring the virus home and expose more vulnerable elderly relatives. Overall, these living situations lead to a higher risk for spreading coronavirus due to the greater potential contact with other people.

What is BlueCross doing to help lessen the burden in vulnerable communities?

Dr. Willis: The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing health disparities that exist among minority communities. As we’ve discussed, there are a lot of complicated reasons for that. One is that some members of the African American community may resist seeking care due to their distrust of providers, the health care system and historical mistreatment. We’ll continue working to gain their trust by partnering with our provider network across the state to make sure culturally competent care is the standard and to bring better health to all the people we serve in Tennessee.

We’ve also offered enhanced support to vulnerable communities by:

  • Educating community members on cost-effective COVID-19 testing available through local health departments
  • Providing funds through the BlueCross Foundation to support free testing for the uninsured population in Memphis
  • Texting online resources from the CDC to BlueCross-insured people who are high-risk and face social or health care disparities
  • Proactively calling BlueCross members who fall into certain high-risk categories to discuss safety precautions

We believe the best approach to maintaining health is an active one — we encourage everyone to build a relationship with a primary care physician (PCP) even before one is facing a health problem. For those who may not have an established PCP relationship, there will soon be additional options available to help make primary care more accessible and convenient. BlueCross has entered a joint venture with Sanitas to open four medical centers in Memphis this fall with extended hours, to foster an environment for consistent care.

What should people do to protect their health?

Dr. Willis: People can take several steps.

  • Focus on your chronic conditions, even during this pandemic. Continue to maintain preventive care routines and follow-up appointments with health care professionals, even if it’s through telehealth. These virtual services are covered by insurance plans such as BlueCross and provide quality care from a certified physician from the comfort and safety of your home, 24/7. And regular follow-ups are one tool to fight against worsening uncontrolled conditions like hypertension and diabetes, the “silent killers.”
  • Be intentional about getting or staying physically active.
  • Eat a diet that includes fruits and vegetables.
  • Get plenty of rest or sleep.
  • Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Even with businesses starting to reopen, continue to practice physical distancing and wear masks and gloves in public places.
  • Disinfect surfaces in the home frequently.
  • Go to CDC.gov and use the symptom-checker if you think you may have COVID-19 symptoms. The symptom list has now been expanded by the CDC to include fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell.

If you follow this guidance, you can help limit the spread of coronavirus.

For ongoing updates about the BlueCross response to COVID-19, visit BCBSTupdates.com.

COGIC drawing on strength, resolve to battle COVID-19

Serving the Pentecostal Temple COGIC congregation is a way of life for Bishop Charles H. Mason Patterson Sr., even when a pandemic keeps the sanctuary closed and the parking lot becomes a place of worship. (Photo: Tyrone P. Easley)

The coronavirus approaches the “Saints” of the Church of God in Christ the same way it does anyone anywhere in the world – it aims to infect and kill. The toll has been heavy, including taking the lives of two members of the General Board.

Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr. {Photo: Facebook)

On May 1, Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr., sent out a sobering message.

“While we understand that many states are now proceeding with efforts to ease stay-at-home mandates with the reopening of restaurants, malls, movie theaters, churches and other public venues at limited capacity, we must continue to stress that we are not yet in the clear with the coronavirus pandemic,” wrote Bishop Blake.

“Collectively, as a denomination, we must use wisdom in realizing the need for continued social distancing, which will undoubtedly continue to impact the ways in which we would normally gather for church services, church meetings and church events. We do not recommend the reopening of COGIC churches at this time.”

Local church leaders have responded creatively, including virtual, online services. Last Sunday, Bishop Charles H. Mason Patterson Sr., pastor of Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ, held a socially-distanced service on the parking lot of Pentecostal, which adjoins Robert R. Church off Downtown Memphis.

Bishop Brandon B. Porter (Courtesy photo)

Bishop Brandon B. Porter, who pastors Greater Community Temple COGIC, is a member of the General Board of the 6-million-plus international denomination. While many COGIC members have suffered and died from COVID-19, COGIC itself “is not in crisis” from the coronavirus, he said.

COGIC, which is headquartered in Memphis, is known for what Porter called its “great gatherings, which could lend to some of our spread.” COVID-19 is thought to have taken root in the latter part of 2019, not reaching the US until after the first of the year. As 2020 dawned, COGIC officials went forward with business as usual with their gatherings

“And we weren’t privy to know what was going on,” said Porter. “And then when we did find out, there were such mixed signals coming from the White House and with the scientists and doctors. While some were saying it’s a pandemic, others are saying it’s a hoax. So we didn’t know who to believe.”

COGIC’s “Saints” – as they are called, “got caught in the crossfire, I believe, of this whole scenario,” said Porter. “And as a result, some of them were still having a meeting in March and not knowing that they were projecting themselves into an environment that had been infectious … or that would have been a bridge for this COVID-19 to touch other lives. And I believe unequivocally that that happened.”

Bishop T.T. Scott {Photo: cogic.org)

Among the COGIC leaders felled by the coronavirus was a friend of Porter’s, Bishop T.T. Scott of Coahoma County in Mississippi. The 88-year-old Scott died in early April. He had pastored the local church since 1972.

“A very, very dear friend,” said Porter.

The largest of the COGIC gatherings, the Holy Convocation in St. Louis set for November, is a question mark for now.

“There are mixed emotions and apprehensions about it. We’re still in discussion,” said Porter, noting that this year also is an election year within COGIC.

“And so it’s a big year for us and we have no idea what’s going to happen because there’s this unforeseen, uncharted territory of ours,” he said. “But you know, Bishop Charles Mason, who’s the founder of the Church of God in Christ, canceled a Holy Convocation in 1918 (the year of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic outbreak.”

COGIC leaders and lay people are being encouraged to “continue to communicate and stay connected with the entire denomination via email, our website and various digital and social media platforms.”

And, said Presiding Bishop Blake, “We also continue to encourage and admonish all church leaders on local, national and international levels to adhere to the guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during this unprecedented time.”


Spread out in social-distance mode, choir members sing praise on the parking lot. (Photo: Tyrone P. Easley)
Masks were a very visible part of the day as Pentecostal Temple COGIC improvised, holding service on its parking lot last Sunday. {Photo: Tyrone P. Easley}

The facts associated with the spread of coronavirus include its toll on the African-American community. While about 13 percent of the national population, African Americans in counties with higher African-American populations account for more than half of all COVID-19 cases and almost 60 percent of deaths, according to recently released research data.

Porter ticked off many of the factors, including generational poverty and the lack of – or substandard – primary care and preventative care.

“It’s a result of them not being able to socially distance themselves, because of the kinds of living environments they have to have, sometimes three or four people in a one-bedroom apartment. … And they’re trying to get along and not having access to proper PPE supplies … and so on.”

Many African Americans, he added, are “essential workers. …Either driving transportation, working in factories, distribution, cooking, and also health care and other things that puts them on the front line and they come back to their homes … and sharing those infections and micro-organisms and so on.”

During his virtual service prior to this interview, Porter preached about the need to stay ready and prepared, drawing his next from Matthew 24:44.

As the pandemic continues, Porter said it’s important for parishioners on the local level to remain faithful in giving to the church.

“If you still have employment and income, or increase, you can give to your church so that your church won’t go into foreclosure or have to shut down as a result of having no income. … And the reason being is that when we get through this, and we will, you’re going to need your church again.”

Part of Porter’s role is to make the churches privy to available relief funds, which has meant contact with White House personnel.

Bishop David A. Hall (Courtesy photo)

At Temple COGIC – “The Mother Church,” Bishop David A. Hall is multi-focused relative to the pandemic and keenly locked in on where the African-American community goes post-pandemic.

“We’ve got to get the resolve to fight our way through by any means necessary, and come out on the other side stronger, if possible,” he said.

“We’ve got to come out of this stronger if possible, with more independence, and …having more money, and more means. Now, that’s the challenge….

“Survival says that we embrace our anxiety and just hold on,” said Hall.

“ Listen, I ain’t just talking about grabbing anxiety and then just hold on. I’m talking about grabbing the anxiety and handling that thing. Put the ribbon on it, and setting it in the corner, and say, ‘You sit down. I got this!’”

Virus-tightened budget scenario has Shelby County’s mayor, commissioners at odds


Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris and his team of administrators is set to meet with the Shelby County Board of Commissioners on Friday in pursuit of a budget agreement.

Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris

Harris is warning of potential county layoffs after the commission rejected his wheel tax proposal on  Monday. A balanced budget must be completed by July 1st, the start of the new fiscal year.

According to Harris, the proposed $16.50 wheel tax increase was needed to balance the county’s $1.4 billion operating budget. The increase was expected to generate at least $10.5 million in needed revenue to equalize the 2021 fiscal budget, set to go into effect July 1. Without it, the Mayor said the County could be in trouble.

“My fear is that these decisions by the County Commission will ultimately lead to layoffs,” Harris said after the meeting. “We are estimating that up to 144 county jobs will be put in jeopardy if the Commission cannot find a replacement revenue source for the $10.5 million that the Commission took out of the budget.”

In an overwhelming defeat, only three commissioners voted in favor of Harris’ proposal during the virtual meeting, Monday: Commissioners Mickell Lowery, Reginald Milton and Van Turner.

Turner told his fellow commission members before the vote that they should leave all options on the table and that he feared opposing Harris’ plan would mean ‘somebody won’t eat.’

“We’re having to make significant calls as it relates to the budget,” Turner said. “We’re not just cutting the fat. We’re cutting jobs. We’re cutting away the ability for these people to provide for their family.”

Edmund Ford Jr. (Photo: Karanja A. Ajanaku)

The monetary county discussions have caused a stir this budget season. On April 28, after hours of debate between commissioners and Harris’ administration, the conversation turned personal between Harris and Commissioner Edmund Ford Jr. The sparring of words occurred after Ford referred to the mayor’s plan as “garbage.”

“You’re good at messing up stuff and leaving,” he told Harris. “And I’m not going to let you do that with the Shelby County budget.”

Harris said that Ford has always held a personal grievance against him, allowing it to stand in the way of his proposals, including MATA funding – something Harris has pushed for since taking office in 2018.

Earlier this year, Harris proposed a $20 wheel tax to fund the city’s transportation authority. The measure also failed to be approved by the commission.

Ford has denied Harris’ claim and doubled down on his disdain for the wheel tax increase at Monday’s commission meeting.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I will not vote for this,” Ford said before pointing out that many of the community members in his district oppose the tax. “I’ve spoken to a lot of constituents in my district and despite popular opinion they appreciate my leadership on this matter.”

Other commissioners made similar statements as Ford saying that the constituents in their districts also opposed the increase.

But Harris said without it the commission will have to figure out a way to supplement the plan in order to balance the budget and prevent massive layoffs.

Although the county is set to receive Relief Funding through the CARES Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it won’t cover the full burden of the budget’s deficit.

Still, commissioners said the current health crisis is another reason why they can’t raise taxes on residents.

Commission Chairman Mark Billingsley

“I cannot in good conscience approve a $16.50 increase in the wheel tax,” Commission Chairman Mark Billingsley said. “It’s crucial that Shelby County decrease expenses and not put a further burden on taxpayers who are already suffering with furloughs and pay cuts.”

Harris said his proposal for a lean and balanced budget has always been with the residents of Shelby County in mind; but the funds must come from somewhere in order to prevent county-wide layoffs.

“I’m not sure where the Commission will find $10.5 million to resolve the budget hole created by their action today. But, I do know that now is not the time to put up to 144 jobs, and the families who depend on those jobs, in jeopardy.”




LEGACY: Lawrence Johnson – ‘loving, kind and generous’

Lawrence Johnson with his wife, Magnolia Johnson (Courtesy photo)

Services have been set for May 9 for Memphis Realtor Lawrence Johnson — an “idol” to some and the man many credit with helping them purchase their first home.

The death of Mr. Johnson, 80, quickly traveled across social media outlets Monday morning.

Daryle Barnes shared on Facebook that Johnson – the founder of Lawrence Johnson Realtors – was “one of my idols.” Scores of condolences and prayers for his family were posted as the news was shared repeatedly over the course of the week.

Although it has been confirmed that Mr. Johnson died from complications of COVID-19, his children said their father should be remembered for how he lived, not how he died. All three work at his realty office.

Lawrence Johnson with his daughter and granddaughter. (Photo: Tyrone P. Easley)

“Our father always put Christ first in everything he did,” said his daughter, Elaine DeVerne Johnson-Miles. “He would begin every office meeting with a prayer and a song.”

Johnson-Miles said her father helped many, many people buy their first home, even if they had credit problems. He would help work through their credit issues.

“Our dad always said he wanted to be as kind to everyone as he would be to his own children.”

The younger son, Eric Johnson, remembered the advice his father gave him in 2005 when Eric first received his real estate license.

“My father told me never to take advantage of anyone and put them in a house they can’t afford,” Eric Johnson said. “Some real estate agents would do it for bigger commissions.”

The eldest child, Spencer Johnson, lauded his father for his strong leadership in the community, church and in his family.

“Our father was loving, kind and generous,” said Spencer Johnson. “And he had a great sense of humor. He could make anybody laugh, and he never met a stranger.”

It was widely known that Mr. Johnson would bring kids in to do odd jobs around the office so they could earn some money and stay out of trouble. He would talk to young people about being obedient to their parents and developing a strong work ethic.

Mr. Johnson established Lawrence Johnson Realtors more than 40 years ago, helping many aspiring realtors get started in the local real estate market. The company also managed single-resident, rental properties, as well as apartment buildings.

Mr. Johnson holds the distinction of being the first African-American to become a Lifetime member of the Memphis Area Association of Realtors Multi-Million Sales Club.

He was a member of the National Association of Realtors, the Tennessee Association of Realtors, the Memphis Area Association of Realtors, the Northwest Mississippi Association of Realtors and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers.

Mr. Johnson was working full-time at his Whitehaven office when he contracted the virus during the latter part of April. After a weeklong stay in Methodist South Hospital, he was released and returned to his home, where he died Monday.

In addition to his three children, Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife, Magnolia; a brother, Harold Johnson; a sister, DeVerne Howell; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

The May 9th services for Mr. Johnson begin with visitation from 9 a.m. until noon at Middle Baptist Church, 801 Whitehaven Lane in Whitehaven. Only 10 viewers will be allowed inside the sanctuary at a time. Everyone in attendance is asked to wear a mask and observe social distancing of six feet apart.

The funeral service will begin at noon. Only 150 people will be allowed to attend because of COVID-19 safety precautions.

R.S. Lewis and Sons Funeral Home has charge. For more information, call 901- 526-3264.

Indie Memphis Movie Club hosts virtual discussion with director Robert Townsend

Indie Memphis Artistic Director Miriam Bale conducts an interview the virtual way with Robert Townsend. (Screen capture)
TSD’s All Over Town columnist Brianna A. Smith.

Although Indie Memphis postponed all upcoming events as a precaution to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, they still found a way to use their resources to educate and support independent filmmakers during this time.

On last Tuesday, Indie Memphis Movie Club held a virtual discussion with actor and director Robert Townsend.

Artistic Director Miriam Bale  lead the discussion; she opened the segment introducing Townsend as the “Godfather of Black Independent Film”.

Over the past 30-plus years Townsend has made a name for himself in black homes across the country as a trailblazing filmmaker who uses his talent to uplift people of color. He is the mastermind behind films such as, Hollywood Shuffle, The Five Heartbeats, B*A*P*S, The Meteor Man, Holiday Heart, Eddie Murphy Raw, and one of my all -time favorite’s Carmen: A Hip Hopera.

The discussion focused mainly on his debut film Hollywood Shuffle, a satirical look at what it was like to be a black actor in Tinseltown. The film stamped Townsend’s place in the industry as a filmmaker.

“We have a lot of filmmakers tuned in today,” said Bale. “Can you share your experience in creating Hollywood Shuffle?”

Townsend was inexperienced—he didn’t go to film school and hadn’t directed a film—but he was determined to tell a story about being marginalized by the industry.

In 1984, he had a small role in the Oscar-nominated A Soldier’s Story. “I told my agent I want to do more movies like this,” said Townsend. “My agent was like, ‘Robert, they only do one black movie a year. You just did it. Be happy.′”

But Townsend wasn’t satisfied. “I thought my dream of being an artist was dying, because at the time, the only roles I was auditioning for were slaves and pimps and stereotypes of basketball players who couldn’t read,” Townsend says. “It was frustrating.”

“Then I started talking to my good friend Keenan Wayans (actor and filmmaker) about us doing a movie about our lives  and that’s how it all started.”

Townsend and Wayans wrote the script together but because the film didn’t have a studio backing, Townsend was faced with financing the film on his own. “The idea of somebody writing, directing, producing, and starring in a movie, especially a person of color, wasn’t heard of then,” said Townsend.

“Everybody said the bar was so high in Hollywood, you couldn’t get in if you didn’t have millions and millions of dollars.”

Eventually, Townsend raised $100,000 to make Hollywood Shuffle, using $60,000 he earned from acting gigs and $40,000 using credit cards.

Townsend helped to kick the door wide open for black talent in the late 80s—ushering in a fertile period of comedic and dramatic films starring black actors in complex roles that were also directed by black directors.

“I don’t want to take credit, but I just know that we planted seeds that it was okay to be funny, to write-direct-produce,” Townsend said. “When people heard the story of Hollywood Shuffle and how we did it, I think it gave inspiration to a lot of filmmakers to say, ‘If Robert can do it with a credit card, I can do it.’”

The discussion was informative and inspiring to filmmakers.

Bale closed out the conversation asking Townsend what many viewers tuned in to see, “How does someone make a film for less than $100,000 now?”

Townsend replied, “These new iPhone’s don’t need a lot of extra lights. Use your resources, find a location and write the script around that location.”

“Always remember that the acting and story telling is most important when creating a film.”

Check out the discussion here:


Real story: How to prepare for a telehealth visit

By Ali Whittier

Jennifer Brantley was diagnosed with cancer in October 2019. After months of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, she had to have a tumor removed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. Her surgery was set for March 25 – during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic.

After the surgery, Jennifer would also need a follow-up appointment a couple weeks later. When her doctor’s nurse called, she asked Jennifer if she’d be interested in setting up a telehealth visit.

“COVID-19 was a major concern for me due to my compromised immune system, so I jumped at the chance to do a virtual appointment. That way I wouldn’t have to leave my house,” Jennifer says. “It was nice the doctor’s office was open to helping me come up with a ‘plan B’ for my post-op appointment.”

Jennifer says the scheduling process was similar to an in-person visit, but after experiencing her own first telehealth visit, here are 3 things she recommends to help you prepare.

1. Give yourself enough time for the initial set-up

  • Ask the nurse or staff setting up the appointment what app or website they use for telehealth so you can plan enough time to get your computer or device set up.
  • Download the appropriate app or visit the website before the day of your first telehealth appointment in case you have questions.
  • If the app or site allows, test both your speakers and microphone ahead of time to make sure you can hear and be heard.

2. Prepare others in your home for the appointment

  • Find a quiet place for your visit, and let people in your home know when you need them to avoid interrupting you.
  • Consider sending a reminder message a few minutes before the appointment is scheduled to start.
  • If you have children or pets that might disrupt your conversation or distract you, consider finding a place for them somewhere in your home where they can’t be heard or finding an activity for kids to work on.

3. Treat the appointment like a normal in-office visit

  • Make sure you still have a list of questions to ask your provider during the visit.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes in case you need to show any incisions, wounds or potential issues to your provider.
  • Have a notepad and pen to write down any instructions provided or consider allowing someone to sit-in on your appointment to help you take notes if you need it.

What are some other things you should keep in mind?

Don’t be intimidated by technology.

Some health care providers have help desks that can walk you through how to download the technology you need for the appointment. Ask for a number to call if you have trouble getting the technology to work when it’s time for your appointment. Most providers will expect the possibility of glitches in the technology and understand the need to restart the visit if this happens.

Ask your provider to send any important treatment or therapy information prior to the appointment.

If you have telehealth visits with providers who need to show you how to perform treatment or therapy at home, you may consider asking them for this information before your appointment. That way when it’s time to discuss these instructions or exercises you have to do at home, you’ll have already had enough time to review and come up with any questions you can discuss together during your appointment.

On the other hand, if the visit concerns a new condition or issue you’re having, you may want to ask your provider if having a photo ahead of time will help them prepare for the upcoming visit.

Think about your privacy needs for the appointment.

You can expect privacy when you visit your provider in person, but is this something you need during a telehealth visit at home, too? Consider your comfort level for the appointment scheduled and plan the location in your home appropriately for your privacy needs.

Remember, your provider can be running late to telehealth visits, too.

Don’t hang up or leave the meeting if your provider isn’t on time. Just like being in a doctor’s office, they sometimes run late so try to be as patient as you can.

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee members have options for telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic – visits with in-network providers are covered with the same benefits as in-person visits, and PhysicianNow visits are free for many members through June 30.

For the latest information on our response to COVID-19, visit BCBSTupdates.com

Black Restaurants cooking up ways to keep it moving!


TSD freelance videographer Terrisa C. Mark looks at the challenges faced by African-American restaurants during the pandemic and the creative way many are responding.

Barack Obama will headline televised prime-time commencement


NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Barack Obama will deliver a televised prime-time commencement address for the high school Class of 2020 during an hour-long event that will also feature LeBron James, Malala Yousafzai and Ben Platt, among others.

ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC will simultaneously air the special May 16 at 8 p.m. EDT along with more than 20 other broadcast and digital streaming partners, according to the announcement Tuesday from organizers.

Several high school students from Chicago public schools and the Obama Youth Jobs Corps will join, as will the Jonas Brothers, Yara Shahidi, Bad Bunny, Lena Waithe, Pharrell Williams, Megan Rapinoe and H.E.R.

The event is titled “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020.” It’s hosted by the education advocacy group XQ Institute, The LeBron James Family Foundation and The Entertainment Industry Foundation.

Obama will reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption of school life, especially for seniors who have missed out on their milestone rites of passage.

Russlynn Ali (Photo: Twitter)

“This high school graduation season will be anything but ordinary — but that’s all the more reason why the Class of 2020 deserves extraordinary advice, heartfelt encouragement, and hard-won wisdom about facing new challenges in an uncertain world,” Russlynn Ali, CEO and co-founder of XQ Institute, said in a statement.

“We are grateful to President Obama for giving this gift to our nation’s three million high school seniors as they #GraduateTogether,” she added.

TSD COVID-19 Flash! — Clyburn’s oversight role, mask rage, event reminders, numbers, today’s music vibe: Al Green — ‘A Change is Gonna Come’

The line of cars was long because the need was great in ZIP code 38126 as the Women's Foundation For Greater Memphis spearheaded a COVID-19 relief outreach last Friday. (Photo: Gary S. Whitlow/GSW Enterprises)

Rep. Jim Clyburn will lead House Oversight Committee on coronavirus

Rep. Jim Clyburn, a 14-term U.S. Congressman and the dean of the South Carolina congressional delegation, has spent his career working to improve and empower the lives of African Americans. Former President Barack Obama once noted that Clyburn is “one of a handful of people who, when they speak, the entire Congress listens.”

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Healthcare and other fraud has run rampant during the current novel coronavirus pandemic and, more than ever, African Americans are being victimized, says Re. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.).

“This pandemic is visiting family after family after family. We know from all of the data that it is being visited more harshly and more prevalent among African American communities, and some Latino communities all over the country.” READ the story

Three charged in killing of store security guard over virus mask

FLINT, Mich. (AP) — A woman, her adult son and husband have been charged in the fatal shooting of a security guard who refused to let her daughter enter a Family Dollar in Michigan because she wasn’t wearing a face mask to protect against transmission of the coronavirus.

Calvin Munerlyn was shot Friday at the store just north of downtown Flint a short time after telling Sharmel Teague’s daughter she had to leave because she lacked a mask, according to Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton.

Teague, 45, argued with Munerlyn, 43, before leaving. Two men later came to the store.

Teague; her husband, Larry Teague, 44; and Ramonyea Bishop, 23; are charged with first-degree premeditated murder and gun charges. READ more


Shelby County Health Department COVID-19 Daily Update: May 5, 2020

Total COVID-19 Cases Recovered in Shelby County as of 05/04/2020

Data Source: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Note: “Recovered“ is defined as (1) people who are living and have been confirmed to be asymptomatic by the health department and have completed their required isolation period. or (2) are at least 21 days beyond the first test confirming their illness

Shelby County COVID-29 Cases by Race and Ethnicity as of 5/04/20

Shelby County Health Department has added a data page to its COVID-19 webpage: www.shelbytnhealth.com/coronavirus.


REMINDER: Christ Community to host free drive-thru testing in Hickory Hill

 Christ Community Health Services — in partnership with the Safety Net Collaborative, the state of Tennessee and the the Health Department — will host a COVID 19 testing at Christ Community Health Services Hickory Hill at 5366 Mendenhall Mall from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday (May 6).  Testing is FREE and open to everyone and it is not necessary to be experiencing COVID 19 symptoms.   Citizenship will not be verified during testing to encourage participation from all communities. 


Gov. Bill Lee will be featured during the Memphis Townhall hosted by The Redwing Report at 5 p.m. CDT today (May 5).

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Judge rules Tennessee’s voucher law is unconstitutional

Gov. Bill Lee: “There are about 250 families that have actually applied (for vouchers but) those approvals have not been made yet. ... The process is underway.”

by Kimberlee Kruesi —

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Tennessee judge on Monday ruled that the state’s much-debated school voucher program is illegal and cannot be implemented despite education officials receiving thousands of applications from parents hoping to use public tax dollars on private school tuition.

Chancellor Anne C. Martin

Davidson County Chancellor Anne C. Martin said in her order that the voucher law, which Gov. Bill Lee signed into effect last year, violated the Tennessee constitution’s “home rule.” Lee’s administration had backed the legislation during his first year as governor, gaining just narrow support from the GOP-controlled Statehouse and strong opposition from Democratic members and public education advocates.

Plaintiffs in the legal challenge had ranged from Nashville and Shelby County, which includes Memphis; as well as parents opposed to education savings accounts. They had argued Republican lawmakers did not receive local consent when drawing legislation affecting local communities, which is required under Tennessee’s constitution

According to the law, the voucher program would only apply to Nashville and Memphis, the areas with the lowest performing schools and regions with Democratic political strongholds.

The original version of the measure included several other counties, but it was eventually whittled down after Republican lawmakers objected due to uneasiness about launching a voucher program in their own legislative districts.

“The entire process of the General Assembly, including the amendments and ‘horse trading’ associated with changing eligibility criteria to satisfy legislators who wanted their counties excluded, resulted in an act that, in form and effect, is local,” Martin wrote in her 32-page order.

Pro-voucher groups had countered that such claims over the “home rule” are moot because they said the provision does not apply to school boards, while the county does not have proper standing to sue over the school voucher program.

On Monday, Martin agreed that Nashville’s school board did not have standing to sue and dismissed the board from the case. However, she said counties had a stake in public education.

“We strongly disagree with the court’s ruling and will swiftly appeal on behalf of Tennessee students who deserve more than a one-size-fits-all approach to education,” said Lee’s spokesman Gillum Ferguson.

Other groups who had petitioned the court to argue in favor of the voucher program also objected to Martin’s decision.

Shaka Mitchell {Photo: American Federation for Children/Joy Asico}

“This is an extremely disappointing decision, and unfairly penalizes the thousands of families who were hoping to utilize the ESA program,” said Shaka Mitchell, Tennessee’s state director for the American Federation for Children. “These families are desperately looking for options to help their children succeed academically.”

American Federation for Children, a school choice group Education Secretary Betsy DeVos once chaired, had said earlier Monday that 2,200 children had applied for Tennessee’s voucher program as of last week.

Other groups that had sued, however, praised Monday’s decision.

“Chancellor Martin’s ruling is an enormous victory for Tennessee public school students,” said Chris Wood, a private Nashville attorney for the plaintiffs. “This unpopular voucher program was forced on two communities without their consent, and it threatened to drain public resources from already underfunded public schools.”

The program — known as education savings accounts — would allow eligible Tennessee families to use up to $7,300 in public tax dollars on private schooling tuition and other preapproved expenses.

State education officials had been working to implement the program in the upcoming school year. Applications for students were already being accepted until early May.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Education did not immediately respond to a request for comment.