Name: Perry Bond
Candidate for: City Council District 6
Date of Birth: 08-15-1961
Occupation: Retired FedEx employee. Currently employed at Brinks in cash logistics.
Educational Background:
- High School: CarveR High School
- College:
- Masters/Ph.D (if applicable): Associates of Applied Science in Business Management
Family: I’m married(Veronica) and have one daughter (Theryn)
Community Involvement: Served as President of the Riverview Community Association for approximately 4.5 years. Also, served as President of the 1st Riverview Neighborhood watch. Currently a member of the Ambassadors of Raines Station. I was involved in the protest that led to the stopping of the building of hourly rate motels along Third Street. I was also instrumental in getting a grant for our youth to mai rain the yards of our seniors in the Riverview area.
Official Campaign Website:Â
What background/experience distinguishes you from the other candidates who want voters to elect them?
Bond’s response:
I ran I my first campaign in 1991. I was running against a four term incumbent. That year in the 1st People’s Convention, I was selected as the concensus candidate over a four term incumbent. Not only was campaigning for the city council seat in district 6 but also campaigning against a proposed salary increase for city council members; from 6,000 to 10,000 annually. Over the past 28 years I have been a candidate for the city council and school board seats in district 6. I have demonstrated perseverance and a strong love for our district and desire to serve our district.
What are the top three issues facing the City of Memphis?
Bond’s response:
Crime, Cleanliness/Blight, and Apathy.
What do you propose to address the three issues you rank as top priorities?
Bond’s response:
Crime-I would like to see more police on the streets and a greater emphasis placed on community policing. A thorough review of sentencing policies is also essential.
Cleanliness/Blight- Much of the abandoned property in our district is “inherited property” The laws regarding these types of property need reviewing and modifying so that they don’t continually remain as “eye sores” in our communities. It’s important that these properties become a viable part of our tax base.
Do you favor the call for a half-cent sales tax increase to restore healthcare and retirement benefits for police officers and firefighters cut in 2014?
Bond’s response:
No. The group that took the benefits from them should be the group that restores the benefits to them. The taxpayers should not be burdened with any more taxes. The tax system has far to long been used as a “scapegoat” whenever revenue needed to generated.
Do you think the local PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) program needs to be reformed? If so, why and how?
Bond’s response:
Reform is needed. There should be a “time cap” placed on businesses that utilize pilots.
Do you see a risk of displacement and gentrification connected to the development boom in Memphis? If so, how would you address that risk from the position you seek?
Bond’s response:
While I support the boom in Memphis, I still see this as a form of segregation; mainly between those who have and those who have not. As city councilman, I would work to make sure that progress is inclusive(shared by the majority) rather than exclusive(shared by a few)
African-American-owned businesses have made up only 1 percent of all Memphis business receipts for several decades. If elected, do you see playing a role in changing that statistic? If so, what do you think that role would entail?
Bond’s response:
Yes. My role would be to make our district presentable and safe. That’s make it easier to attract new businesses. Establish training facilities in our district utilizing many of the vacant schools that we now have so that the resident in our district doesn’t have to be worried about his/her skill level. We must improve mass transit in our district. There should be a consistent review of the transportation needs of our district. Finally, we must get into our high schools to promote among our youth to consider entrepreneurship.