LifeLine Services, Inc., a mainstay in the Frayser area, will take note of 10 years of service with a celebration event on Nov. 1.
A preview of the event sets this context:
“Celebrate the ‘Team’ members that have changed their lives and have become responsible, dedicated and compassionate men and women, parents, husbands and wives, community leaders.”
From its inception, LifeLine has offered a program to “reduce crime by changing lives. Without partners, a strong community, volunteers and a GREAT staff, we would not be able to celebrate.”
The nonprofit works with men and women that “still want the thrill of crime and drugs; but think they may want to change.” They attend three-hour classes four days a week, learning about themselves and those around them.
Every Friday, the members spend their morning hours taking on community projects. After two weeks of class, they add on to their community service time with volunteering on the Blight Patrol team. The program features LifeLine graduates that teach about time management, work orders, work ethic and teamwork.
The celebration is set for Noah’s Event Venue, 3243 Players Club Circle, beginning at 6 p.m.
Belz Enterprises is the event sponsor.
For tickets, visit