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A Tale of Two Conventions

By Raynard Jackson (NNPA News Wire Columnist)

Having attended the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland two weeks ago and having intently watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on TV last week, I couldn’t help but notice how distorted both conventions were, especially in terms of the media’s coverage of them.

In the Black community, when grandma said, “boy, you telling a tale,” she meant that you were telling a lie. So, a tale of two conventions can easily be translated to mean a lie of two conventions.

There is no debating that the Democratic convention had much more production value than the Republican convention, which made for better TV. There is also no debating that the Republican convention was much more substantive than the Democratic convention.

The Democrat’s convention was put together like the Hollywood production that it was, but there was absolutely no substance to it. All the speakers rattled off the typical liberal mantras: higher taxes on the rich, more government regulations, tons of “free” stuff, increase in the minimum wage, homosexual entitlements, amnesty for illegals, etc.

But like all things Hollywood, it was all make believe.

For President Obama to describe Hillary Clinton as the most qualified candidate in the history of America is quite insulting, as well as an outright lie, but of course lying is consistent with Clinton’s M.O.

According to Obama, “There has never been a man or woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America.”

One need not go back one hundred years to disprove Obama’s statement about Clinton, one need only go back to former presidential candidate George H.W. Bush. He was a Navy fighter pilot during World War II, former Congressman from Houston, Ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican National Committee, Envoy to China, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), chairman of the Executive Committee of the First International Bank of Houston, professor at Rice University, director of the Council on Foreign Relations and two term vice president of the United States.

There can be absolutely no doubt that George H.W. Bush is by far the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency. For Obama and the media to perpetuate this lie about Hillary’s qualifications is political and journalistic malpractice.

The media is in bed with the Clinton campaign in particular and with Democrats in general. No honest person would even argue that point.

One need look no further than this video of the media receiving Clinton paraphernalia during the Democratic convention and actually rooting for her.

The RNC was not as polished as the DNC, there is no doubt, but there can be no argument that Trump and the Republicans presented more substance at their convention.

Democrats and the media refused to separate the messages coming out of the RNC from their dislike of Trump and all things Republican.

Everyone knows that Trump is against amnesty for those in the country illegally, against these horrible trade deals that Obama and Hillary are promoting, having more stringent vetting of those wanting to come to the U.S. from certain countries, rethinking the U.S.’s relationship with NATO, etc.

The philosopher, Socrates, taught us that asking questions is the beginning of understanding. Trump has challenged the status quo by forcing us to question the usual way we have done things.

Why do we allow NATO members not to pay their dues? Why spend millions of dollars with the same ole mercenary consultants that go from one losing campaign to another? Why do we allow American companies to move overseas and export their products back to the U.S. without consequences? Why do we allow anyone to come into our country illegally and then demand all sorts of rights and benefits? Why do we go around the world and defend our allies when they put no skin in the game?

The Democratic convention was four days of uttering the usual automatic party ticks of how the government is the solution to every problem, whereas the Republican convention, with our nominee Trump, forced the nation to question everything that we are doing.

Fundamental change never comes without first posing a question?

Herein lies Hillary Clinton’s Achilles heel. Almost 70 percent of the American people say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Clinton claims to be the agent of change, but all she’s offering is the same Obama policies on steroids. She cannot reconcile these diametrically opposing ideas, and that’s why the election is basically tied right now.

Trump has successfully tapped into this desire for change that seems to confound the liberal media. They are still trying to figure out why the public believes in “The National Enquirer” more than the mainstream media.

The Democratic convention was very predictable, with no surprises. They got people charged up and ready to go with no underlying roadmap as to where the party wants to take them.

The Republican convention was very unpredictable, but you knew what direction they wanted to take you, one could argue whether the destination was where the majority of the public wanted to go.

But there is absolutely no arguing that under Trump, the country will go in a different direction.

Raynard Jackson is founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org. You can follow Raynard on Facebook and on Twitter @Raynard1223.

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