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BREAKING NEWS! TSD Publisher Bernal E. Smith II passes away

Bernal E. Smith II, publisher of The New Tri-State Defender, died at his home Sunday afternoon, a family spokesman said.

Mr. Smith was with family when he was found. The family spokesman asked that the family’s privacy be respected at this time.

No further details were immediately available.

A joint statement from Associate Publisher Karanja A. Ajanaku and Calvin Anderson, president of Best Media Properties – the TSD’s parent company, acknowledged Mr. Smith’s passing.

The New Tri-State Defender and its management board is devastated,” Ajanaku and Anderson said in the statement.

“We learned late this afternoon that Mr. Smith had passed. We extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to his family. We ask that all take note of the family’s request for privacy at this time.”

Mr. Smith was 45.





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