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Chaos breaks out on Delta flight after unruly passenger assaults attendant

Chaos breaks out on Delta flight after unruly passenger assaults attendant news Joseph Daniel Hudek


It took multiple Delta passengers and two flight attendants to control a man who was trying to open the emergency exit door during a flight.

Joseph Daniel Hudek IV, from Tampa, Florida, tried repeatedly to open the latch to the door and assaulted a passenger and a crew member that tried to put a stop to his dangerous behavior.

It happened on Thursday on a Delta flight from Seattle to Beijing.

Before the plane took off, Hudek asked for a single beer and he did not appear drunk during the altercation.

Yet, approximately one hour into the flight, Hudek, who was sitting in first class and flying on a “dependent pass” got out of his seat and went to the bathroom. He then left the bathroom and asked a flight attendant a question before going back in.

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After leaving the room for the second time he made a break for the emergency exit door, grabbed the handle and tried opening it.

Two flight attendants attempted to get him away from the door and he shoved them back.

The plane was diverted back to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport but before it got there things got even more violent.

At one point, he punched a crew member in her face and hit a passenger over the head with a wine bottle before trying again at the door. The scuffle ensued until one of the flight attendants was able to grab two wine bottles herself and hit him over the head, breaking one.

Passengers were able to hold him down long enough for the crew to get zip ties on him with him fighting them the whole time.

Hudek was arrested on Friday and charged with one count of interference with flight crew members. If he gets convicted he could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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