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Drug dealer calls 911 to report stolen cocaine

Drug dealer calls 911 to report stolen cocaine news drug dealer 911

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On Sunday morning, a Florida man called the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office to report that someone had stolen money as well as a “baggie of cocaine” out of his car.

32-year-old David Blackmon identified himself as a drug dealer when he called 911, claiming that someone had broken into his car and made off with $50 as well as the cocaine.

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Blackmon told the responding deputy that the cocaine had been on the center console of his parked car, though when police searched the car, they found the bag of cocaine precisely where Blackmon had said it went missing, though they did not find the money. They also found a crack rock by the cocaine as well as a crack pipe on the floorboard.

Blackmon was arrested and has since been charged with possession of cocaine, resisting arrest without violence and possession of drug paraphernalia.

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