Finding a way forward


Deep breath…one more; now, where do we go from here?

Forward! Marching, smartly, resolutely and increasingly more collectively with the most vulnerable ever foremost in mind. Yes, there is a lot more to it than that. Still, that’s the jumping-off point for this edition.

We’re keeping up with the myriad ways COVID-19 is affecting our lives as best we can. We’re relying, heavily, upon our digital presence, anchored at Our home base is extended through the Digital Daily, which provides capsule coverage of our public-health emergency and its mesh with our ongoing living of life.

Many find us through Facebook. We’re shifting gears on Twitter and, forthrightly, dusting off Instagram, finding more ways to talk with, to, about and through younger audiences.

If you’re already hooked up with us, thanks for doing so. We’re working to continue to earn the association. If this is an introduction, welcome. We’d love to build on this start.

Right now, going forward largely involves hunkering down and staying put, except for “essential movement.” With this week’s edition we have switched to remote production. Our Downtown offices will be closed until further notice. We are answering calls and emails as usual.

Businesswise? Well, we’ve got our story to tell. In short, we continue forward, smartly. We will distribute fewer hard copies for a while, making them strategically available. Yes, we most certainly would welcome your consideration of financial support, notably through online subscriptions and creative advertising.

Going forward means adjustments! We invite you to READ this week’s edition with that in mind. That’s the way it was created.

(Karanja A. Ajanaku is Associate Publisher/Executive Editor of The New Tri-State Defender.)