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LeMOYNE-OWEN Women’s BB: Lady Magicians hit the road to play Dillard University

The Lemoyne-Owen Lady Magicians hope to keep getting wins as they head to Dillard University in Louisianna for their last exhibition matchup on Friday, Nov 8.

Head Coach Anthony Partee is preparing for whatever comes his team’s way.

“Our mindset is us against the world,” Partee said. “We know we are going into a tough environment. It’s Dillard’s homecoming celebration, so it’s going to be packed and everyone is going to be against us.

“We are trying to mentally prepare ourselves for that,” he said.

In LOC’s last game against Southern University of New Orleans, Partee went into the game with a mindset to experiment.

“(We were focusing on) execution on both ends of the floor,” Partee said. “We were trying to see if we can match the defensive intensity we had against Blue Mountain College and see if we could take it up another notch. We also wanted to make sure we were communicating and working together as a team.”

For this week’s matchup, the focus is different.

“I want us to execute the energy and effort for each possession,” Partee said.

Senior Sentreal Gregory will most likely watch the game from the sidelines with a sprained ankle. “She is probably out for a week,” Partee said.

Tip-off is at 3 pm.

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