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Lens & Lines: Gladys gave fans an amazing Knight in Memphis!

One of my favorite songs by Gladys Knight is “Love Overboard.” I like that little part where the background singers are saying her name “Gladys, Gladys! Woo!”

Well, on Saturday night at the Memphis Botanical Gardens, Gladys and her band wooed us! It was a great show for this ageless and beautiful legend.

I was so busy getting photos, I missed the name of the Memphis local singer who opened up for Gladys. He did a wonderful job singing R&B, and blues. His guitar solos were awesome, and he did a great job. But there’s an old saying you save the best for last.

Gladys entered the stage with this beautiful black and red outfit – looking amazing. She ripped through her big hits: “I Heard It Thru the Grapevine;” “Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me;” “Neither One of Us;” and many more. And of course, we all enjoyed taking the “Midnight Train to Georgia!”

I can go on and on about all the hits she sang, but what impressed me with Ms. Knight was the homage she gave to her band and background singers. She gave each and every one of them the spotlight and let them sing a song of their own. She also paid tribute to deceased music icons Whitney Houston and Prince, including a Prince medley that turned the Garden out.

It was truly an amazing Knight at the Garden in Memphis. Check out my photos below!


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