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Pastor blames racist campus murder on the teaching of evolution

Pastor blames racist campus murder on the teaching of evolution news Evolution Racist Pastor

When people heard about how David Whitney of the Maryland-based Institute on the Constitution gave a sermon last week in which he blamed the murder of a black student by a racist white student on the teaching of evolution at the University of Maryland.

The sermon blamed Sean Christopher Urbanski’s deadly racist attack on Army Lt. Richard Collins III on legal abortion and gun control as well.

“As in all public schools, evolution is inculcated and it teaches that there is no Creator God and that everything in the universe came into existence by chance and mistake, accident and is wholly without purpose and without meaning of any kind,” Whitney stated. “He was taught that mankind, including himself, was nothing more than a long compilation of mistakes and mutations and chance occurrences.”

“We should not be surprised then if Sean, with that background and education, concluded that life is meaningless, without any purpose at all,” he continued. “Or, if there is a purpose in life, it would be to advance and further the process of evolution; a process in which the strong destroy the weak and indeed, ultimately, that is the purpose for existence. Survival of the fittest therefore has some rather dastardly consequences which we see in the murder committed by a secular humanist of a Christian young man.”

“Evolution is also the basis of racism, [and] many assert that racism played a role in the motivation for this murder,” Whitney preached. “You see, evolution is essentially racist. So where did Sean Urbanski learn racism? He learned it in his classes on evolution at the local public high school that his parents sent him to and his parents funded that school by the payment of their property taxes.”

— Pastor who said Pulse victims got what they deserved gets sentenced to 35 years for child molestation — 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CAj028Hr-0?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=640&h=390]

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