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Single father teaches other dads how to do their daughters’ hair

Single father teaches other dads how to do their daughters’ hair news Daddy Haircare

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In the seven years since Darious Bland became a single father he has learned a lot about how to do his daughter’s hair and he is now sharing these tips and trick with fellow fathers.

On May 21, he held a hair workshop called “Can Daddy Do My Hair?” in Huntsville, Alabama.

The class had 12 fathers bringing their 3- to 10-year-old daughters so that Bland could help them understand the fundamentals of black hair.

“These dads are learning a lot; not only about hair but what many moms go through,” he said. “They didn’t understand the frustration that mothers have to go through while doing their daughters’ hair.”

— Tamar Braxton debuts song ‘My Man’ inspired by dad’s affair — 

Fathers doing their daughters hair is catching on, a similar event was recently held for black fathers in England by Khembe Clarke.

Bland will be the first to tell you however that he still has some things to learn.

“I’m learning how to do flat twists, bantu knots, I want to learn how to braid,” he stated.

For the fathers who couldn’t get to the workshop, Bland has posted video tutorials on the events Facebook page.

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