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Spike Lee rejoices with Knicks fans over firing of Phil Jackson

Spike Lee

Spike Lee (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Variety)

The Knicks have fired team president Phil Jackson, and Knicks fans everywhere have been celebrating.

The fans took to the Internet to complain about having to watch three seasons with the “Zen Master” at the helm and expressed their hopes that things would be better under someone else’s leadership.

One such Knicks fan was Spike Lee, who took to Instagram to celebrate Jackson’s firing with a picture of himself pointing at the sky, captioned, “HALLELUJAH.”

Several fans echoed the sentiment, though a few rained on the parade with some realism as they pointed out that James Dolan is still the owner.

Still, even Dolan got praise from actor Michael Rapaport, who posted a video celebrating Jackson’s firing: “Jimmy D, you f—— did it, f—— proud of you Jimmy D, you take no f—— s–t off nobody.”

— Spike Lee thinks it’s ‘fishy’ that Colin Kaepernick remains a free agent — 


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