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Still rolling, Spirit Magazine pauses to give thanks at 15

Fifteen years ago, Minerva P. Little started Spirit Magazine because “the Spirit touched my heart and spoke to me about the need for a Christian publication in Memphis and the Mid-South.”

Last Week, a throng of supporters – many who have been featured in the magazine – joined Little in a celebration.

“I had no family fortune or major stock holders,” Little recounted in a letter detailing a journey that she said had not been easy. “But I had the Holy Spirit that directed my every path. I had you sharing your testimonies, smiling for the camera, and giving me an encouraging word or act of kindness.

“I had to work hard, stay determined and endure sacrifice. God worked through each of you to carry us successfully for fifteen years.”

Of the 15 years of content, Little said, “We covered the visit of President Obama to one of Memphis’ poorest schools, Booker T. Washington, the spirited farewell services of bishops, to ministry of men, women and children doing outstanding work to build God’s Kingdom on earth.”

Rev. Dr. Frank E. Ray
One of many pastors featured in Spirit Magazine during the course of its 15-year run, the Rev. Dr. Frank E. Ray delivered the keynote address during the celebration at the Holiday Innn-University of Memphis. (Photo: Tyrone P. Easley)

The magazine’s covers, she said, reflect “the important role of religious leaders and their stories inspire and teach what faith in God can conquer.”

The Rev. Dr. Frank Ray Sr. of New Salem Missionary Baptist Church was the keynote speaker at the gathering held at the Holiday Inn-University of Memphis on Dec. 7.

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