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Tennessee School of Religion focused on its mission

Established in 1944, the Tennessee School of Religion’s motto is “Let Light Be.” With that in mind, the 73rd commencement was held at Berean Missionary Baptist Church on May 11.

The Rev. Dr. Edward Parker Jr. conferred the symbols of honorary degrees to Carolyn Miller, the Rev. Andre Jones and the Rev. Reginald B. Purham Sr. Miller is a member of Boston Missionary Baptist Church, where she serves as health education advisor in addition to various other church ministries.

At St. Stephens Missionary Baptist Church, Jones serves as youth pastor director of Christian education and armor-bearer to its pastor, Dr. James Adams. As the funeral director for R.S. Lewis & Sons Funeral Home, he ministers and conducts services.

Purham, whose father was a minister, acknowledged the call to minister at age 16. He now pastors New Sherron Missionary Baptist Church in Cayce, Miss., where he has initiated outside ministries dealing with a community food bank, health, personal finance and youth summer camps.

The Rev. Dr. Walter Green is the academic dean at the Tennessee School of Religion. The graduates were: G.S. Neal, diploma of theology; Vincent Rogers, bachelor of theology; and Michael Keys and Marcus A. McChristion, master of theology.

(For more information, visit www.tsormemphis.org.)

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