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The Palace Goes Black … Will It Ever Go Back? (No, We’re Not Talking About Prince Harry and Meghan Markle)

Queen Elizabeth II (Bethany Clarke/Getty Images)

No, we are talking about the new personal assistant selected by the Queen—the first black equerry in British history.

Major Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah, a 38-year-old officer who fought in the Afghanistan war, will fill one of the most important roles in the royal household, according to reports.

“I would have never imagined that one day I’d command the regiment which I’d fallen in love with,” Twumasi-Ankrah told the Sunday Times. “From what I’ve seen in the UK, our cultures really do mix and if I’m not a good example of that I really don’t know what is.”



Major Twumasi-Ankrah—known as “TA” to his friends—will act as one of the Queen’s most-trusted attendants, assisting her with official engagements and welcoming high profile guests to royal residences, a role which will be especially important now that the 96-year-old Duke of Edinburgh is set to retire from public life this year.

The outlet reports that Twumasi-Ankrah moved to the UK from Ghana with his parents in 1982. He studied at Queen Mary University in London and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.


He joined the Blues and Royals to become the first black British Army officer commissioned into the Household Cavalry and acted as escort commander for the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011.

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