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Want to solve the gun control issue? Just arm all black people

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In mass shooting after mass shooting people, often young people, die and lawmakers do nothing to stop the violence from happening again. Since Sandy Hook in 2012 that saw 20 first-graders and six adults shot and killed in their classrooms there has been 1,607 mass shootings in this country and almost 240 of them took place in schools.

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How do politicians deal with the problem? They offer thoughts and prayers and say now is not the time to talk about gun control. These same people will say that these mass murders are simply the cost of freedom and claim it has nothing to do with the NRA funding their campaigns. As long as their bills are being paid the Republicans are more than willing to look the other way when children die.

President Trump himself signed a bill last year that made it easier for severely mentally ill people to buy guns. Each year in America more toddlers accidentally shoot fellow Americans than foreign terrorists do but still, Iowa Republicans proposed a bill to let children aged 1-4 operate handguns. One Democrat said what many were thinking when they said, “We do not need a militia of toddlers.”

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Studies have shown that mass shootings are followed by the GOP making gun control laws more permissive instead of the rational other way around. Florida Republicans tried to loosen state gun laws just one day after the Parkland school massacre.

There is one thing that hasn’t been tried yet and that is arming all black people. Think about it, racism has always moved mountains politically. When drug addiction went from being an “inner city” (meaning black) problem to a “suburban” (meaning white) one the tone of politicians changed dramatically. Since the white people started suffering the lawmakers and politicians at least pretend to care about it.

Perhaps if all black people were armed lawmakers would actually see guns as a problem and want to do something about it. There are actual historical precedents for this as well. When Martin Luther King was receiving death threats and his home was firebombed he applied for an open carry permit but was denied by the racist cops in Alabama.

Then there is when the Black Panther Party for Self Defense started legally and openly carrying weapons to patrol neighborhoods in Oakland, California. In that case, state legislature took no time at all in crafting and signing into law the 1967 Mulford Act which ended public carry. There are countless gun control examples like these.

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Jennifer Carlson, author of “Citizen-Protectors: The Everyday Politics of Guns in an Age of Decline,” actually noted discrepancies in the Michigan licensing practices that stood until 2015.

There were stark differences in how gun boards operated in Michigan’s majority-black Wayne County and majority-white Oakland County. Black concealed-carry applicants in Wayne were regularly lectured and quizzed in public forums – what she calls “degradation ceremonies.” White gun owners in Oakland, on the other hand, were addressed without lectures in hearings where they could plead their case in a semi-private room. Michigan has since done away with the gun boards entirely.

As it stands today, only 19 percent of black Americans have a gun in their home while 41 percent of white Americans do.

It seems entirely possible that if more and more black people were to carry out their 2nd Amendment rights it wouldn’t take long for racism to rear its ugly head yet again and we would finally see some sensible gun control laws.

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