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Fox News correspondents speak out against ‘disgusting’ NFL Anthem kneelers

Fox News correspondents speak out against ‘disgusting’ NFL Anthem kneelers news Maria Bartiromo


The other day President Trump began slamming the NFL and players who kneel during the anthem, calling them “sons of b—ches” who deserved to be fired. Needless to say, that didn’t go over well with many players as was evident Sunday when more players kneeled than in the past.

Fox News has not taken the news of the new kneelers well at all. In fact, they are very upset.

FBN Morning show anchor Maria Bartiromo opened one segment with images of the players kneeling in advance of a game in London.

“I think it’s disgusting,” she said before adding “I don’t know what they are so upset about right now. I looked at these contracts and they are making hundreds of millions of dollars. They [have] $150, $160 million contracts over the coming years.”

— Ellen Degeneres to Megyn Kelly: ‘I can’t have Donald Trump on my show’ — 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRsEB5MfTfM?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=640&h=390]

Bartiromo seems to be under the impression that money is at the root of this problem but it is not. She said, “they will raise almost $5 billion from CBS, Fox, all of the networks. Advertisers pay up for this kind of an audience. Guess what. Now because of these antics and shenanigans, advertisers are not going to pay it because the audience numbers are dropping. We have the lowest ratings in football in seven years. People literally stop watching the game because of this.”

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee also went off on the NFL for their protests. “I wish that some of these players that get on one knee to protest this country and all the sacrifices that make it great would get on both knees and thank God that they live in the United States of American where they make over $2 million on average to play a game for heaven’s sake,” Huckabee told Bartiromo.

He also claimed that the left only defends those who attack and disrespect America and not those who they should defend, which are those who pray for the country on the field.

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