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‘I’d rather have Obama back’: Mike Huckabee goes on Twitter rant

Mike Huckabee hasn’t been quiet about his dislike of former President Barack Obama, but if there’s one thing he hates more, apparently, it’s Comcast.

On Monday, Huckabee took to Twitter to rant about the horrible customer service at Comcast, saying, “Is @comcast the United AL version of cable/internet/phone? Has anyone else had DEPLORABLE dealings with @comcast? &string. By the time @comcast shows up to fix THEIR problems after they missed THEIR appt today, my 5 year old grandson will be graduating college.”

He then started comparing the cable company to other services, from the Mafia to Obama.

“Mafia better service than @comcast Sure they shoot you, but it’s over with and they don’t charge you for the bullet,” he said.

He then added, “How bad is @comcast service? I’d rather have Obama back as President than have Comcast.”

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