National NAACP circulating petition demanding Congress act on gun violence

NAACP President Derrick Johnson

Another day, another school shooting — this one happened yesterday (Jan 4) in Iowa, on the first day back from the holiday break. This one left one sixth-grader dead, and five others injured.

Meanwhile, here in Memphis:

The day-to-day violence that people in Memphis have tragically gotten used to doesn’t grab headlines the way a school shooting does. But the body count is still staggering — and the NAACP is calling on everyone to sign a petition demanding that Congress enact some sort of sensible gun legislation.

“Let me be clear – blood is on the hands of every member of congress who refuses to deliver common sense gun reform,” said NAACP National President Derrick Johnson in an email exhorting people to join the movement.

“Enough is enough. Do your job. We are done dying,” Johnson continued.

Below is the whole email. Check it out, but more importantly . . . click the link, complete the petition. 

Our children can’t wait any longer.

In the wake of another tragic school shooting, this time in Des Moines, Iowa, America’s shamefully long list of victims of gun violence has grown.

And still NO movement towards nationwide gun reform.

So NAACP President Derrick Johnson is making the stakes clear for lawmakers →

We the people must leave Congress NO CHOICE but to stop weapons of war from terrorizing our streets — so the NAACP is raising our voices right now.

10,000 Urgent Signatures Needed: The safety of our communities cannot come second. Add your name to demand Congress fulfill its duty and pass common sense gun reform now.
Make no mistake, friend: America’s gun violence epidemic is a civil rights crisis.

When lawmakers refuse to take ANY action to protect Americans’ lives from rampant gun violence, they’re failing our communities, our families, and our friends.

The time to take action is now: Add your name today to stand with President Johnson and prove the OVERWHELMING public demand for Congress to pass common sense gun reform immediately.
Thank you for taking action,