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Omarosa Speaks: Claims She ‘Resigned’ Peacefully, But Report Says She Stormed Back into White House Triggering Alarms

Omarosa Manigault Newman is out here lying. Wait, y’all know that she likes to sue so let me clean it up a bit. Omarosa Manigault Newman is getting ahead of the rumors which claim she took her earrings off and Vasline’d her face after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly asked Omarosa what it is that she does, and then promptly let her know that whatever it is that she does that would no longer be needed.

Thursday, Omarosa took her newly unemployed ass, well technically she isn’t unemployed until Jan. 20 but you know she isn’t going back to the White House after they deactivated her access and took her off the meal plan, to Good Morning America to act like she didn’t cuss everyone out when she learned that she was going to be let go.

“John Kelly and I had a very straightforward discussion about concerns that I had, issues that I raised and, as a result, I resigned,” Manigault said on ABC News’ “Good Morning America.”

With a straight face, Omarosa claimed that she didn’t confront anyone. In fact, she claimed that her resignation came at her on doing after a calm and civil conversation with Kelly. Omarosa’s official job title was director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison but basically, she was the lone black face in a White House that now has no black faces. Also Omarosa’s job isn’t a real job. And she didn’t have any work to do because her job sounds made up.

I imagine Omarosa’s day inside the White House started with her bringing her boss a six pack of Diet Coke and then snitching on the black community. You know she told President Trump about the jail broken Fire Sticks that were serving as black reparations. Then she was off to her office for a full day of online shopping, comparing prices of Diet Cokes on sites like Jet and Amazon, looking for more pants suits, checking MediaTakeOut, and googling her name to see what people are saying about her. Then there was a series of selfies in random places around the White House.


“But when I have my story to tell as the only African-American woman in this White House; as a senior staff and assistant to the president, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people. And when I can tell my story, it is a profound story that I know the world will want to hear,” she added.


Like a true gov’ment worker with benefits, she didn’t willfully leave a non-working position on her own. Now the news is claiming that Omarosa went full Omarosa after learning that she was resigning. Omarosa reportedly had to be escorted out of the White House, which sounds a lot like resigning. She also allegedly set off the White House alarms in an
attempt to come back into the place she’d just willfully resigned from.

According to a report from CBS News, Omarosa tried to reenter the White House residence after resigning.

The best thing to come out of this whole mess has been all of the shade throwing from veteran journalist April Ryan, who’s had her own dustup with Omarosa. Ryan told CNN that “everything blew up” when Kelly attempted to discuss Omarosa’s walk-in privileges and access to Trump, The Hill reports.


Omarosa reportedly offered her “resignation” screaming, “If I leave, who’s is going to
bring the president his trough of Diet Cokes?!
adding that her last day
would be Jan. 20

The Hill also reports that the Secret Service did not remove Omarosa, but they did deactivate her credentials, which basically means that someone has to sign Omarosa into the White House and log her into her computer which is no authorized to get on sites like MediaTakeOut. Really, if she can walk around and take selfies, or look up cat photos on BuzzFeed, what else is there for her to do?

Also, as The Root writer Michael Arceneaux pointed out on Twitter, how horrible must you be to pull Robin Roberts out of character?

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