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TSD e•Edition — In this issue: Time to claim your ‘Silver Rights;’ + Griggs Business College set for renovation

Author, Entrepreneur and Financial Literacy Advocate John Hope Bryant was in Memphis recently as part of his American Aspiration Tour. He teamed up with Memphis Mayor Paul Young for a fireside chat that frequently felt more like a revival.

You can read all about it in this week’s e•Edition, but there was one part that I just had to expand upon, and you’ll have to say some words out loud to make it work.

Bryant’s mantra, which he repeated frequently that day, is that “Financial Literacy is the Civil Rights issue of this generation.” Note the word there: “Civil.”

Later, he would say that it’s time to claim our SILVER rights — as in, to learn how money works (and doesn’t work), so that we can get on with creating a better life for ourselves and generational wealth for our successors. Note the word: “Silver.”

Civll Rights. Silver Rights. Civil. Silver. Thilver. It’s a bit of a thung thwister, no?

Writers gotta shout out good wordplay, especially when weaving in an important message. Fortunately, Bryant can explain it better than I:

Here’s what else is in this week’s e•Edition:

Operation HOPE’s John Hope Bryant Champions Financial Literacy

John Hope Bryant, Chairman of Operation HOPE, made a compelling case for financial literacy during his stop in Memphis as part of the American Aspiration Tour. Speaking at the Cossitt Library, Bryant emphasized that financial literacy is the civil rights issue of this generation. He shared inspiring stories of individuals who have benefited from Operation HOPE’s programs, highlighting the importance of improving credit scores and promoting homeownership to uplift marginalized communities .

Project 2025: The Blueprint for America’s Democratic Demise

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson provides a stark warning about Project 2025, a 920-page blueprint for a potential second term of former President Donald Trump. Wilson criticizes the project for its plans to dismantle democratic institutions and erode civil liberties, urging voters to choose democracy over dictatorship in the upcoming elections .

Back to School Extravaganza: A Community Success

The Back to School Extravaganza held on July 27 at New Direction Christian Church was a major event aimed at preparing students and families for the new school year. Organized by Shelby County Commissioner Miska Clay Bibbs, the event offered free services such as haircuts, dental exams, and vaccinations. The community’s enthusiastic participation, coupled with support from various sponsors, ensured that every child left equipped and confident to start the academic year .

Historic Griggs Business College Set for $750K Renovation

In a significant boost for historical preservation and community development, Property Power and Preservation (P3) has secured a $750,000 grant for the rehabilitation of the Griggs Business and Practical Arts College. The grant, partially funded by the African American Civil Rights grant program, will cover structural repairs, restoration of historical features, and the creation of educational programs to highlight the college’s impact on the community .

Stay tuned for more updates and stories that matter to our community. For more information and to read the full articles, visit TSDMemphis.com.

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